网络集锦(15) 旧金山的城市轨道交通

来源 :城市轨道交通研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hotmail124
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旧金山市位于美国西部加利福尼亚州,毗邻太平洋。旧金山、柏克莱和圣荷赛等城镇座落在旧金山湾四周。 旧金山市的城市轨道交通系统有两个:BART(湾区快速交通)和MUNI地铁(城区地铁)。 始建于20世纪70年代的BART线路总长167 km,共39个车站,连接旧金山和周边的柏克莱、圣荷赛等城镇,服务湾区内300万左右的居民。167 km线路中,通过市中心的30 km为地下线路,5.8 km是横穿旧金山湾的海底隧道,5.5 km是穿越柏克莱山的隧道,36.8 km是高架线路,其余88.9 km线路为地面线路。39个车站中,14个位于地下,13个是高架车站,12个是地面站。其中位于旧金山市中心的4个车站和城区地铁共站运营。 湾区快速交通干线的延伸线于2003年6月延伸至旧金山国际机场。 标准轨距的城区地铁服务于旧金山市。该系统类似德国S-Bahn系统或美国波斯顿、费城有轨电车网。其城区内的线路为平行于湾区快速交通地下线路,设8个车站。 此外,在旧金山的市区道路上还行驶着一种另类轨道交通:钢缆车(Cable Car)。这种轨道交通于1873年开通,曾盛行于美国和欧洲一些城市,现在除旧金山外,其余均已绝迹。 San Francisco is located in the western United States of California, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. The towns of San Francisco, Berkeley and San Jose are located in San Francisco Bay. There are two urban rail transit systems in San Francisco: BART (Bay Area Express) and MUNI (Metro). The BART line, built in the 1970s, has a total length of 167 km and a total of 39 stations linking San Francisco with the surrounding towns of Berkeley, San Jose and around 3 million residents in the Bay Area. Of the 167 km of the route, 30 km is the underground route through the city center, 5.8 km is the undersea tunnel that crosses the San Francisco Bay, 5.5 km is the tunnel through the Berkeley Mountain, 36.8 km is the overhead line and the remaining 88 .9 km The line is a ground line. Of the 39 stations, 14 are underground, 13 are elevated stations and 12 are ground stations. There are four stations in downtown San Francisco and a total of Metro stations operating. The extension of the Bay Area Rapid Transit Route extended to San Francisco International Airport in June 2003. The city’s metro, with its standard gauge, serves the city of San Francisco. The system is similar to the German S-Bahn system or the United States Boston, Philadelphia tram network. Its urban area is parallel to the Bay Area Rapid Transit underground line, with 8 stations. In addition, San Francisco’s urban road is also driving an alternative rail transport: the Cable Car. This rail transit opened in 1873, has prevailed in the United States and some European cities, with the exception of San Francisco, the rest have been extinct.
睾丸扭转又称精索扭转,容易误诊,以至睾丸坏死。国内报告不多。现将收治的3例报告如下。 例1,17岁,左侧阴囊疼痛、肿胀5小时急诊入院。发病当天深夜在酣睡中突感左侧阴囊剧
1999年我们承担了省、市水产局下达的池塘高产高效项目示范区建设任务,分别在龙固、杨屯两个乡镇实施。示范区面积5 600亩,收获鱼3 228 887kg,蟹 76 560 kg,综合平均亩产水产品 590 kg,亩收入2 025元,取得了显著效果