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四川大学与成都军区为贯彻落实江总书记关于“军队生长干部要逐步走出军队自己培养和依托国民教育培养并举的路子,从更大的范围选拔高素质人才”的指示,根据教育部、财政部、人事部和解放军四总部《关于在普通高等学校开展选拔培养军队干部试点工作的通知》精神,就联合选拔培养军队干部的有关问题进行了商议,一致同意建立长期稳定的协作关系,积极探索,为培养和造就更多的适应军队现代化建设需要的高素质人才而共同努力,并达成协议。日前,双方就联合选拔培养军队干部举行了签字仪式。 In order to implement the instructions of General Secretary Jiang about the gradual development of the army-growing cadres by the military and relying on the education of both nationalities as well as the selection of highly qualified personnel from a wider area, Sichuan University and the Chengdu Military Region, according to instructions from the Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Personnel and the Fourth General Headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army “on the selection and training of military cadres in ordinary colleges and universities,” the spirit of the joint selection and training of military cadres on the issues discussed, agreed to establish long-term and stable relations of cooperation, and actively Explore and make concerted efforts to cultivate and bring up more highly qualified personnel that meet the needs of the modernization of the armed forces and reach an agreement. Recently, the two sides held a signing ceremony on joint selection and training of army cadres.
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