
来源 :中国慈善家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:janbchang
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在大海里,他唯一的欲望就是活着,物质已经没有意义,唯有精神的提升。他一直把环球航海作为修行的过程,达到精神和肉体的双重历练自驾帆船环球航海,原本是翟墨的私人行动。7年来,在环球航海过程中,他发现这个行动已不再是他个人的了。“刚开始是一种兴趣,之后是一种责任。我去了很多国家,当地的华人华侨对我照顾有加,其实他们不是照顾我,而是照顾中国人。回来后我想做对这个国家、社会有意义的事情。如果仅仅是满足我自己,我已经满足了。”翟墨对《中国慈善家》说。 In the sea, his only desire is to live, the material has no meaning, only the spirit of ascension. He has been the global sailing as a spiritual practice, to achieve the spiritual and physical experience of self-propelled sailing around the world sailing, was originally Zhai Mexico’s private operations. For seven years, during the global voyage, he found that this action was no longer his own. I was in a lot of countries and the overseas Chinese in this area had taken care of me. Actually, they did not take care of me but took care of the Chinese. After coming back, I wanted to do a good job of this National, social meaningful things, if only to satisfy myself, I have been satisfied. "Zhai Mo said to the Chinese philanthropist.
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妹妹打电话过来说母亲所在的工厂裁员了,母亲正在待岗。我才突然意识到我已经很久没有跟母亲通过电话了,心里不禁万分自责,一边在心里数落着自己这个做儿子的失败,一边匆忙地打电话回去劝慰。  母亲在电话的那头絮叨地说着以后的打算,我劝说她早点回老家养老或者过来跟我同住,但她坚决不肯,以我还不够自立,压力太大,以及她还能再为我奋斗几年为由拒绝,执意要去找一些加工的活计来做。  我几经劝阻无果,只好说了些注意
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