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   In the fall of 1980 I was on that path, driving from Seattle to Madison, Wisconsin, to graduate school, when I pulled off and slipped down a side road until I found a place to rest for the night, a recently harvested cornfield. Hands behind my head and ready for a deep rest, I lay between rows of stubby, shorn stalks. I heard a wonderful chorus of chanting crickets and began to smell the dampness of an approaching storm. There, on the prairie, the thunder rolled in from far away, signaling rain long before it arrived. Again and again this thunder boomed and echoed, growing ever louder—magnificent, deep, primordial, soul-shaking sounds. I’d never heard thunder like this before.
   Hours later and thoroughly soaked, I thought, “How could I be 27 years old and never have listened before?”
   My life changed that night in the cornfield, though I didn’t fully appreciate it at the time. It took me a few months to realize that graduate study at the University of Wisconsin was not the path I wanted to pursue. I felt a new yearning, one I understood better after reading John Muir describe his life-changing epiphany as “soul hunger”. Since then I’ve been around the globe three times, recording the sounds and silences of nature. My hearing had become my life, my livelihood. My hearing was everything.
   Three doctor visits and a CAT scan later, I learned that my hearing loss was due to a problem in my middle ear. But nothing could be done, at least, the doctors said, without the risk of making matters worse. Worse? The best thing to do, I was told, was to be fitted for a hearing aid and hope that the matter cleared up on its own.
   To even suggest a hearing aid was an outrage. Nearly all hearing aids are designed primarily to amplify and clarify human speech, to hear what a person has to say. They do not make music more enjoyable or nature sounds more audible.
   Back home, in a fit of private anger, I said out loud, “I just want my old life back!” So I examined everything I had done a year before my hearing loss and everything that I’d been doing during my hearing loss, regardless of perceived significance.
   I had recently turned 50, and to celebrate this I began taking supplements that were recommended to me by my brother, who is a physician and had been on a rigorous vitamin and hormone regimen himself: high-potency B-complex, potassium, calcium, alpha lipoic acid, to name a few. And to top off my new look, I also put Rogaine onto my head like hair tonic and sometimes felt it drip down my scalp and around my ears. All of this, my ear doctors reported, had nothing to do with my hearing loss. Nevertheless, out of desperation, I discontinued all supplements and put away the Rogaine.    Then, about two months after quitting the supplements, as if God himself had spoken to me, I experienced a sudden onset of completely normal hearing. Sitting in my grandfather’s rocking chair next to my woodstove, I realized I could hear the crackle of the fire and the once-familiar gurgling of the refrigerator. Then, as quickly as it had returned, my hearing vanished once again.
   I continued to abstain from all supplements. Time became my ally, not my enemy. Brief periods of normal hearing came more frequently and lasted longer, then blended together, fashioning an encouraging, nearly normal six months. Today my hearing has fully recovered.
   We’ve all heard it said: “There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason.” When I hear this, I think of the great naturalist John Muir, who lost his eyesight in an industrial accident while working as a young man at an Indianapolis carriage factory. Thrust into total darkness, alone, and desperately wishing that he could once again see, to fully enjoy the natural world as intended, Muir vowed that if his sight should ever return he would devote himself to “the inventions of God” and not to the inventions of man. When his sight did eventually return, he began a 1,000-mile walk to the Gulf of Mexico, “along the leafiest and least trodden path possible,” on his way to becoming the man Americans know best as the father of our national parks.
   In the spring of 2005, my hearing restored, my career as the Sound Tracker back on track, I asked myself, “What good is perfect hearing in a world filled with noise pollution?” After a good bit of thought, I resolved to make good on a quiet conversation project I’d conceived of years earlier.
   One Square Inch of Silence was designated on Earth Day 2005(April 22), when, with an audience of none, I placed a small red stone, a gift from an elder of the Quileute tribe, on a log in the Hoh Rain Forest at Olympic National Park, approximately three miles from the visitors center. With this marker in place, I hoped to protect and manage the natural soundscape in Olympic Park’s backcountry wilderness. My logic is simple and not simply symbolic: If a loud noise, such as the passing of an aircraft, can affect many square miles, then a natural place, if maintained in a 100 percent noise-free condition, will likewise affect many square miles around it. Protect that single square inch of land from noise pollution, and quiet will prevail over a much larger area of the park.    My hope is that this simple and, I believe, inexpensive method of soundscape natural resource management will prove both an inspiration and a helpful mechanism for the National Park Servive to meet several under-attended, codified goals, namely, preserving and protecting the natural soundscapes of its parklands and restoring those soundscapes degraded by human noise.
摘 要:新《课程标准》指出:课堂教学应由“给予知识”转向“引起活动”,要通过学生的主动行为而产生,要克服以教师的思维代替学生的思维,教师提问牵着学生走的现象;要把教材的知识点进行整合,给学生创设一个富有探索性的问题情境,让学生利用自己的学习方式、已有的生活经验和知识结构,动脑、动口;要让学生在活动探究中发挥创造性,进行自主建构、自主探索,从而获得知识。  关键词:教教材;用教材教;教材整合;自主探
内容提要 2017年5月4日,美国著名哲学家、美学家理查德·舒斯特曼(Richard Shusterman)教授来到复旦大学,与复旦中文系朱立元教授、张宝贵教授进行了第二次对话与讨论(第一次对话是在2014年4月,对话纪要已经发表在《南国学术》2014年第3期),对美国的实用主义与语言分析哲学、美学的关系,艺术体制论,艺术终结论等一系列当代中西方美学界共同关注的问题进行了深入的交流。本文为这次三人
Life is an ever-evolving tapestry of lessons, growth and expansion and when you are truly tuned into the messages along the way, you find your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. The f
动词的过去式和过去分词是初中英语教学中的重点,而有些动词的不规则变化是这些重点中的难点,但这些不规则变化也不是毫无规律可循的。现将初中英语中一些常用的不规则动词变化介绍如下。   一、原形、过去式和过去分词的词形和读音都相同的单词,结尾字母一般是t或d。如:   cut-cut-cut, hit-hit-hit, put-put-put, cost-cost-cost, let-let-let
Boats sail on the rivers,  And ships sail on the seas;  But clouds that sail across the sky,  Are prettier far than these.  There are bridges on the rivers,  As pretty as you please;  But the bow that
TA的成长:宋洋,中国男演员。代表作有《少年杨家将》《射雕英雄传》《箭士柳白猿》《暴裂无声》《长安盗》等,曾获得2012年北京大学生电影节电影最佳男主角提名,第14届中国电影金凤凰新人奖。“择一行,终一生。”  适用话题:演员;等待;上进;方向;指引  01  在电影《长安盗》中,宋洋和范伟、焦俊艳都有非常精彩的对手戏。他眼中的焦俊艳是个特别能带给人欢乐的女孩儿,大大咧咧、讨人喜欢,而范伟饰演的万
引导语:暑假即将到来,读者们是不是已经开始计划着如何有规划的度过这个愉快的暑假呢!那么读者在思考的时候,不妨跟着笔者一起看看下面的故事,放松一下,说不定灵感就来了。  都错了   孩子不愿意做爸爸留的课外作业,于是爸爸灵机一动说:儿子,我来做作业,你来检查如何?孩子高兴地答应了,并且把爸爸的“作业”认真地检查了一遍,还列出算式给爸爸讲解了一遍。不过他可能怎么也不明白为什么爸爸所有作业都做错了
雨后的阳光清亮、温暖,空气湿润、清新。从阴凉的屋子出来,阳光像温暖的袍子一下就兜住了我。由着脚步,不觉来到了幼儿园的门前。一声声小小人儿的笑声如阳光照耀下的玻璃球般,蹦跳着,咯咯咯;滚动着,也是咯咯咯,清脆、透明,一声一声激荡着我的心。我沉浸在兴奋中,感觉到了心灵的宁静和淡然。   走进园子,没有迟疑,我走进了孩子们的游戏中。我已经好久没有与他们在一起嬉戏,没有听他们清脆地叽叽喳喳了。  
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