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毛主席的偉大著作’關於農業合作化問題’發表以後,農業合作化運動随即迅速在全国範圍内蓬勃開展起來。毛主席會經指出:’这是五億多農村人口的大規模的社会主义的革命运动,带有極其偉大的世界意義。’这個偉大的運动,将加速我国建设社会主義的進程。随着農業合作化運動高潮的到來,農村对工業品的需要,首先是对農業生產資料的需要將迅速增長。例如,今年农村对農具和農業机器的需要量已經遠远地超过了过去幾年的總和。僅双輪双铧犂今年计划產量就達236万部,比去年增加了三倍多。因此,客观形勢已經向全体机械工業的職工提出了要求:製造更多、更好、更便宜的新式農具和农业机器。应該指出:要完成这個光榮任務是有不少困难的。任務大、質量要求相当高,而生產能力、技術力量又感不足,这就是困难之一。要克服这些困难,就要求我們全体職工發揮高度的積極性和創造性。必須進行一系列的改進,如改進生產管理和改進技術管理等等。同時,还必須積極学習与推廣先進經驗,特别是苏联先進經驗,因為学習与推广先進經驗,是不斷提高勞動生產率、提高產品質量和降低產品成本的重要方法之一。組織和交流農具製造的先進经驗与工作經驗,是本刊今後的一項重要任務。本刊将有系統地介紹苏联先進經驗和各農具製造厂的先進經驗。本期發表了北京農業机械廠的一些經驗。这些輕瞼說明:祇要我們工人和技術人員克服保守思想,發揮創造性,从各方面進行改進,就能迅速地提高勞動生產率,从而保証農具製造任務的完成。 After Chairman Mao’s great book ’The Problem of Cooperative Agriculture’ was published, the agricultural cooperative movement quickly flourished throughout the country. Chairman Mao pointed out: ’This is a large-scale socialist revolutionary movement of more than 500 million rural people, with extremely great world significance. ’This great movement will accelerate the process of building socialism in our country. With the arrival of the climax of the agricultural cooperative movement, the demand for industrial products in rural areas will, first and foremost, increase the demand for agricultural production materials. For example, the demand for farm implements and agricultural machinery in rural areas this year has far exceeded the sum of the past few years. Only two-wheeled hoe ploughs plan to produce 2.36 million units this year, more than three times more than last year. Therefore, the objective situation has already put forward requirements for all the workers of the machinery industry: to create more, better and cheaper new farm tools and agricultural machines. It should be pointed out that there are many difficulties in accomplishing this glorious task. The task is large and the quality requirements are quite high. However, the production capacity and technical strength are insufficient. This is one of the difficulties. To overcome these difficulties requires all our staff to exercise a high degree of enthusiasm and creativity. A series of improvements must be made, such as improving production management and improving technology management. At the same time, we must actively study and popularize advanced experience, especially Soviet advanced experience, because learning and promoting advanced experience is one of the important ways to continuously improve labor productivity, improve product quality, and reduce product costs. Organizing and exchanging advanced experience and working experience in farm tool manufacturing is an important task for the journal in the future. The journal will systematically introduce advanced experience of the Soviet Union and advanced experience of various agricultural tools manufacturers. In this issue, we published some experiences of Beijing Agricultural Machinery Factory. These scornful explanations: As long as our workers and technicians overcome the conservative ideas, exert creativity, and improve from all aspects, we can quickly increase labor productivity and thus ensure the completion of agricultural tools manufacturing tasks.
当前地质工作的形势,和全国其他各个战綫上的形势一样,也是“很好、很好、很好”! 自党的八屆八中全会的决議公布以后,各地質部門在当地党的領导下,开展了“反右傾、鼓干劲
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