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根据中共蚌埠市委的工作部署和市委批转的《市委党校“九五”(1996-2000年)发展规划》的目标要求,我校1998年工作的指导思想是:继续高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以党的十五大精神为指导,以大专体制规格验收工作为动力,进一步解放思想,实事求是,抓住机遇,搞好干部教育工作和党校建设,使党校的两个文明建设再上新台阶。工作要点是:坚持以教学为中心、科研为基础的办学指导思想,狠抓主体班次及函授班教学质量的提高;营造浓厚的学术氛围,调动教学科研人员的积极性,争取科研成果、科研人才双 According to the work plan of the CPC Bengbu Municipal Party Committee and the objectives and requirements of the “Party School of the Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee and the Development Plan for the Ninth Five-Year Plan” (1996-2000) approved by the municipal party committee, the guiding ideology of our school in 1998 is to continue holding aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory , Taking the guidance of the 15th National Congress of the CPC as the guide and taking the inspection and acceptance of the system of tertiary institutions as the driving force, further emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, seizing the opportunities, doing a good job in the education of cadres and the construction of the Party school, bringing the two civilizations in the party school to a new level . The key points of the work are: adhere to the guiding ideology of running a school centered on teaching and research, pay close attention to the improvement of teaching quality of main classes and correspondence classes; create a strong academic atmosphere and mobilize the enthusiasm of teaching and research personnel; strive for scientific research achievements;
背景:Oddi括约肌功能障碍(sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, SOD)为目前临床上一种常见疾病,分为Oddi括约肌功能紊乱和Oddi括约肌狭窄两大类,前者是SO功能异常而后者是SO结构
10月18日下午,宁夏代表团在人民大会堂宁夏厅对党的十九大报告进行讨论。党的十九大代表、自治区党委书记石泰峰主持讨论,党的十九大代表、自治区主席咸辉等发言。代表们表示,习近平同志代表第十八届中央委员会作的报告,是一个振奋人心、凝聚共识、催人奋进的好报告,是指引中国特色社会主义事业迈进新时代、谱写新篇章的总纲领、总部署、总动员。大家一致赞同和拥护这个报告。  石泰峰说,报告旗帜鲜明、主题突出,内涵丰
目的:初步观察研究清热凉血剂在治疗慢性扁桃体炎(chronic tonsillitis,CTS)低温等离子下摘除术后的疼痛、炎症反应的影响,探讨其作用原理,为CTS患者行低温等离子摘除术后的炎性
OsEBP-89 gene encodes an ethylene responsive element binding protein (EREBP) transcription factor from rice (Oryza sativa). Northern blot analysis revealed tha
10月19日,党的十九大宁夏代表团继续讨论党的十九大报告。党的十九大代表、全国政协副主席兼秘书长张庆黎参加讨论。党的十九大代表、自治区党委书记石泰峰,党的十九大代表、自治区主席咸辉,分别主持讨论。  讨论中,姜志刚、马顺清、许传智、纪峥、盛荣华、赵永清、白尚成、马中贵、王彦兰、彭友东、王彦翠、何健、赵亮、李泽峰代表分别发言。大家一致认为,报告立意高远,视野开阔,既有鲜明的思想性、前瞻性,又有很强的
人胚胎多能性干细胞来源于原始生殖嵴(primordial germ cells, PGCs)和囊胚内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM),具有体外无限增殖能力和发育全能性等特征。PGCs和胚胎生殖细胞(em