Fiery Happiness

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  “Ready? Go!” Two firefighters in dark blue training suits and bright yellow helmets tossed out a section of hose to connect two other hoses before picking up an entire roll and running forward. Cheered on by onlookers, the two firefighters sprinted to a finish line 60 meters away in less than 15 seconds.
  January in Beijing can be bitterly cold, and that day the lowest temperature was close to minus 10 degrees Celsius. But the firefighters at the Yizhuang station of the Fire and Rescue Division of the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area continued training enthusiastically.
  Running Brothers
  At six o’clock in the morning when the city is just waking up,firefighters are already well into a busy day of training. Embracing the morning chills, they run five kilometers to warm up. Physical fitness and strength training are important programs for winter firefighting. According to Zhang Yi, commander of the Yizhuang station, the fivekilometer run is a routine exercise every morning. Zhang became a firefighter in 2008. The 30-year-old commander is responsible for training and theoretical education of team members every day.
  In Chinese martial arts novels, masters can lift a big ding (a large cooking appliance and important ritual object in ancient China) with one hand and sprint. Such martial arts have not been “lost.”Firefighters can carry a 33-pound ladder on one shoulder and run 60 meters in 11 seconds. One firefighter was so large in stature that his teammates dubbed him“big guy.” Zhao Haojie is 187 centimeters tall, but he can still run very fast with a heavy ladder on his shoulder. He joined in 2017. Zhao participated in the national competition of firefighters last year as part of the Beijing team. They took fourth place among over 30 competing teams in a training program..

  When the fire alarm is quiet,firefighters are learning and training. When the alarm sounds, they rush to the scene as fast as possible. The dense smoke of a fire contains a heavy concentration of toxic substances which can threaten firefighters as well as the people trapped by the fire.
  During a rescue operation at a chemical laboratory, Zhao Haojie“almost couldn’t escape” because of the dense toxic smoke. After he and his teammates extinguished the fire on the fourth floor of the building, they couldn’t find their way out due to blindness from the thick smoke. Their oxygen tanks were running low, and the smoke from the burned chemicals was toxic. Fortunately, they found a window, smashed the glass and got some fresh air as they waited for help.   When a son works in fighting smoke and fire, his parents will undoubtedly worry. “I seldom talk about my work with my family,” Zhao said.
  Families of firefighters often seem to find a tacit understanding. Zhang Yi revealed that his family rarely asks about his work. “They don’t want to give me pressure, and I don’t want them to worry.”
  The Story of “Hammer”
  In addition to over 30 fire rescue workers, the fire station family also includes a special member—a white kitten named Hammer.
  Alongside firefighting and disaster rescues, the fire and rescue station also assumes social assistance responsibilities. “We are required to rush to the scene whenever we hear the alarm,” explained Jia Gaijun, instructor at the station. “Whenever people need us, we do our best to complete the mission.”
  Consequently, catching and rescuing cats, dogs, horses and even snakes has become part of firefighters’ work. Workers trapped in manholes and children stuck in rides or play structures have also become part of the work for firefighters. “After we help solve the problems, people usually applaud loudly,” Zhang beamed.“Their appreciation gives us a strong sense of pride.”

  Three months ago, they received a call about a kitten trapped on the roof of a three-story building.
  The kitten fell onto the roof from somewhere else, so it had a broken leg, and no one was claiming ownership. It wailed miserably. Firefighters rescued it and sent it to a vet for treatment. Then they made a bed for it by placing a quilt in a cardboard box and named the cat Hammer.
  Thanks to care from everyone at the station, Hammer gradually recovered, and its energy returned. Hammer kept a distance from people in the days after it was rescued. After recovery, the cat started curiously sniffing strangers and affectionately rubbing up against them. “We are good friends now.”
  Why is Daddy Home?
  One time, when Jia Gaijun arrived at his house, his daughter asked, “Daddy, why are you home?”
  As fires and disasters come unexpectedly, firefighters are always on call, so most team members cannot enjoy weekends. Except for a 20-day vacation each year, they are always awaiting the next mission. Public holidays are the busiest periods for firefighters, and the team members lament that they all must take vacation at different times from everyone else.
  Although Jia’s two-year-old daughter does call him “Daddy,” she hardly sees him, which prompted the odd question.
  Zhang Yi got married on November 23 last year, but has not seen his wife again since their wedding day. In 2008, he became a firefighter. Except for the two years he studied at the Kunming Firefighter Command College, he has never been able to return home during Chinese New Year. As many people are commenting that the atmosphere of Spring Festival is fading away and the traditional festival becomes boring, Zhang still misses the happy days he celebrated the festival at home.

  During Spring Festival, spending time with family has always been the top priority for Chinese people. But for firefighters, the festival brings peak fire season, so safeguarding the happiness of every household is their top concern.
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