
来源 :山东电力技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zous111
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Background:In treatment of ankle fracture,intraoperative stress tests are used to assess the syndesmotic injury and instability.However,the optimized timing of
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目的 探讨陪伴分娩对保障母婴安全价值。方法试验组采用由一位亲属及一位助产士专人陪伴对产妇实行全程观察与护理,并负责接生,对照组采用常规分娩方式。结果实验组产后出血量
Objective:To propose a new definition of the pericollapse stage ofosteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) and review its significance in disease diagnosis and
To the Editor:Instable elbow results from overuse and trauma.It brings pain and weakness to patients.[1] There are three major considerations in treating this d
Objective:Combining artificial scaffolds with stimulatory factors to reconstruct lost bone tissues is one of the hottest research directions.The purpose of this
To the Editor:Surgery for fractures is a major risk factor for pulmonary embolism (PE).Massive PE (MPE) remains an important clinical challenge with a high mort
To the Editor:Pheochromocytomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that originate from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal glands or associated sympathetic ganglia.