白叶枯病是水稻上重要病害之一,水稻因受白叶枯病为害不仅严重影响产量,而且影响米质。白叶枯病在许多种稻国家都有发生,我国先在南方发病,逐渐由南向北发展。1965年我市郊区随引种带入病害并扩散、蔓延,病区不断扩大。为此,从1967年开始对本病进行了系统调查和试验研究,并积累一些资料,对制订防治津郊白叶枯病的对策有一定实践意义。现将1967—72年的研究结果整理如下: 一、天津市郊区水稻白叶枯病发生情况: 1965年以前一直未见此病,后随着从南方引种将该病害传入我市新立村公社四合庄大队,零星发病10余亩,及时采取拔除销毁。1966年我市郊区又从北京白叶枯病区大批调
Bacterial leaf blight is one of the most important diseases in rice. Rice is not only seriously affected by bacterial blight, but also affects rice quality. Bacterial blight occurs in many rice-producing countries. Our country first developed its disease in the south and gradually developed from south to north. In 1965, the outskirts of our city were introduced into the disease with the introduction of disease and spread, spread, wards continue to expand. Therefore, systematic investigation and experimental research on this disease since 1967, with some accumulated data, are of practical significance for formulating the prevention and control of bacterial blight in Jin suburb. Now the 1967-72 research results are summarized as follows: First, the outskirts of Tianjin, the occurrence of bacterial leaf blight: the disease has not been seen before 1965, with the introduction of the disease from the south into the city of New Village Commune Sihetun Brigade, sporadic incidence of more than 10 acres, timely removal and destruction. In 1966, the suburbs of our city were greatly transferred from the Beijing area of bacterial blight