
来源 :中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxpmine01
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目的:研究新疆境内白蛉的地域分布与地理景观的关系。方法:综合白蛉地域分布的调查材料,配以各调查地点的景观特征,分析各种白蛉的地域分布格局与地理景观之间的关系。结果:在不同的区域地带,均有1-2种对该区环境有较强适应性的代表蛉种。山地景观地带(棕钙土)以中华白蛉长管亚种为主要蛉种,与山麓相衔接的砾漠地带(棕漠土),亚历山大白蛉占蛉种组成的69.7%-100%,古老绿洲地带(绿洲潮土/黄土)以中华白蛉长管亚种为优势种,胡杨荒漠地带(荒漠森林土)以硕大白蛉吴氏亚种的比例为大(60.9%-77.6%),其次为微小司蛉新疆亚种(14.3%-39.1%),梭梭荒漠地带(半固定风沙土)安氏白蛉占85.2%-97.9%,而在植被主要是琵琶柴混生红柳的地带(灰漠土),蒙古白蛉占67.3%-84.4%,在海拔低的盐土荒漠地带,地表散见骆驼刺,阿帕克司蛉为唯一的蛉种。结论:不同的地理景观地带有不同的蛉种,反映了各种白蛉对生存环境有不同的需求。 Objective: To study the relationship between geographical distribution and the geographical distribution of Japanese white catfish in Xinjiang. Methods: Based on the survey materials of the geographical distribution of Baizong, together with the landscape characteristics of each survey site, the relationship between geographical distribution and geographic distribution of various Baizhu was analyzed. Results: In different regions, there are 1-2 representative species that have strong adaptability to the environment of the area. Mountain landscape (brown earth) with Chinese white crested ibis as the main species, and the foothills of the convergence of desert gravel (brown desert soil), Alexander white civet accounted for 69.7% -100% In the ancient oasis (oasis fluvo-aquiculture / loess), the dominant species of Chinese white-stalked Elaeagnus angustifolia are the dominant species, and the proportion of Populus euphratica subsp. Aureus in the desert poplar (desert forest soil) is large (60.9% -77 .6%), followed by Xinjiang (14.3% -39.1%), Amorpha fruticosa (85.2% -97.9%) in the Haloxylon desert zone (semi-fixed aeolian sandy soil) However, in the area where the vegetation is mainly composed of gray and red willow, the Mongolian whitefly occupies 67.3% -84.4%. In the lowland saline-desert soil, The only species. Conclusion: There are different species in different geographical landscapes, reflecting the different needs of various whiteflies for the living environment.
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