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2002年11月,李争鸣从刘晓红亲属林有才手中购得一部手机,议定价格为2000元,由李争鸣出具欠条一张,后该款一直未付清。2003年3月30日晚9时许,林有才邀集刘晓红等人租乘吉普车至李争鸣家,将李从家中骗出后强行拖上吉普车,欲扣押到湖北宜昌。途中,刘晓红用拳头殴打了李争鸣,后因公安干警巡路盘查而案发。2003年7月,法院经审理认为,被告人林有才为索取债务非法扣押债务人,剥夺了被害人的人身自由,其行为构成非法拘禁罪。被告人刘晓红为帮助亲属索取债务非法扣押债务人,剥夺了被害人的人身自由,其行为构成非法拘禁罪。依照《刑法》第238条第1、3款之规定,法院判决被告人林有才、刘晓红非法拘禁罪,执行有期徒刑1年。 In November 2002, Li Zhengming purchased a mobile phone from Lin Youcai, a relative of Liu Xiaohong, at a negotiated price of 2,000 yuan. She has issued an IOU note by Li Zhengming and the money has not been fully paid. On March 30, 2003, at about 9 pm, Lin Youcai invited Liu Xiaohong and others to rent a jeep to the Li Zhengming home. After being fooled out of the home, Li procured a forced towing of a jeep to seize in Yichang, Hubei Province. On the way, Liu Xiaohong beat Li Zhengming with his fist and later went public because of a police patrolling investigation. In July 2003, the court held that the defendant Lin Youcai illegally detained the debtor for debt deprivation and deprived the victim of personal liberty, and his act constituted an offense of illegal detention. Liu Xiaohong defendant relatives to seek debt for illegal detention of the debtor, deprivation of liberty of the victim’s personal life, the act constitutes an illegal detention. According to Article 238, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Criminal Law, the court ruled that defendant Lin Youcai and Liu Xiaohong illegally detained for one year in prison.
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闷热的天气和来苏水的味道让刘维才翻来覆去地睡不着,从临沂人民医院血液病区走廊上的地铺爬了起来,这名壮实的山东汉子眼睛盯着自己的手表。  时间是7月9日凌晨两点钟,再过几个小时,他就能够打电话询问配型结果了,这让他感到一阵紧张。  玻璃窗内,护士正在病房给刘维才身患白血病的妻子刘徐侠输液。  从5月份开始,刘维才已陪妻子在医院化疗了两个多月,他们在等的一个机会,就是刘徐侠的哥哥的骨髓配型结果。一旦配
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