前些日子,在某中学当副校长的我的一位朋友被免去了“官职”。我的这位朋友,不但不怨,反而对上级领导感激不尽。 究其原委,我才知晓其当“官”之后的苦衷。我的这位朋友,在他尚未“封官”之前,教学业务很有“几手”,尤其是他在对普通班和差生的教育方面卓有成效,对教育心理学颇多钻研。也许正因为他教学业务冒了尖,上级领导器重,将其擢升为“官”。然而,岂料我这位朋友并不善于当“官”,仅长于教学业务,结果却被繁冗事务缠身,不得开脱,“政绩”平平,“业绩”无暇光顾,落了个两头空,自己很是苦恼,遂提出辞“官”要求,上级领导也就免了他的“官”职。 多年来,我们各级部门在对待人才这个问题上,往往是一旦某人被认为是“人才”之后,必定要冠以
A few days ago, a friend of mine who was a deputy principal in a middle school was removed from office. My friend, not only do not blame, but on the leadership of the more grateful. The whole story, I know it as “official” after the difficulties. My friend, before he had the “official seal”, had a few “hands” in his teaching business. In particular, he was very effective in educating general students and students, and he studied education psychology a lot. Perhaps because of his teaching business sharp tip, superiors heavy, be promoted to “official.” However, I was surprised that my friend was not good at being an “official” and only outperforming his teaching business. As a result, he was burdened with cumbersome work and could not be excused. His “political achievements” were mediocre and his performance was “overwhelmed” Is distressed, then put forward his “official” requirements, the higher leadership will also avoid his “official” post. Over the years, the issue of treating qualified personnel at all levels of our government is often preceded by the fact that once someone is considered a “talent”