
来源 :企业观察家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donny_zhu
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2016年已经给“十三五”做好开局,2017年更重要的是攻坚克难。国内外经济形势错综复杂,国内金融风险隐现,国际“黑天鹅事件”频发,我们必须做好准备,以结构性改革突破供给侧瓶颈,以稳定的宏观政策化解需求侧的风险。历次中央经济工作会议都是把握下一年经济走向最重要的风向标,在当前空前复杂的经济形势下,从中央经济工作会议寻找中国经济新方位显得更为重要。凡事预则立不预则废,要做好2017年的经济工作必须对当前以及未来的形势有充分的把握。 2016 has been to “Thirteen Five ” to get started, 2017 is more important is to overcome difficulties. With the complicated domestic and international economic situations, the emergence of domestic financial risks and the frequent occurrence of international black swan events, we must be prepared to break through the supply-side bottlenecks with structural reforms and to defuse the demand-side risks with stable macroeconomic policies. All the previous meetings on the central economic work have grasped the most important benchmark for the next year’s economic trend. Under the current unprecedented complicated economic situation, it is even more important to find a new orientation for China’s economy from the Central Economic Work Conference. Everything should be done without prejudging. To do a good job in 2017’s economic work, we must fully grasp the current and future situation.
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