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本文利用我国2000-2012年的省际面板数据模型,实证检验了我国劳动要素份额变化对工业部门生产率的影响。基于劳动要素份额的“U”型变化规律,将2000-2013年的全时段数据分成劳动要素份额下降与上升两部分,分别检验其对工业部门生产率的影响。结果表明劳动要素份额下降阻碍了工业部门全要素生产率提高以及技术进步与效率改善;劳动要素份额上升促进了工业部门全要素生产率提高与技术进步,但对工业部门效率的影响呈现先阻碍后促进的异质性。前期劳动要素份额的下降降低了劳动力的优化配置,在提高资本要素份额的同时减少了企业进行技术创新与产业结构升级的压力与动力,同时大大降低了对低层次产业与低生产率企业的淘汰门槛,阻碍了我国工业部门生产率的进步;后期劳动要素份额的上升倒逼了工业部门的技术进步与产业结构升级,企业在利润最大化的条件下对劳动要素进行优化配置,同时加快了淘汰低层次产业与低生产率企业的步伐,促进了我国工业部门生产率的进步。 In this paper, we use the inter-provincial panel data model from 2000 to 2012 in our country to empirically test the impact of the change in labor factor share on the productivity of the industrial sector. Based on the “U” type of labor factor share, this paper divides the full-time data from 2000 to 2013 into two parts: the decline and increase of the labor factor share, and separately examines the impact on the productivity of the industrial sector. The results show that the declining share of labor factors hinders the improvement of total factor productivity and the improvement of technology and efficiency in the industrial sector. The increase of the share of labor factors promotes the improvement of total factor productivity and technological progress in the industrial sector, but hinders the improvement of the efficiency of the industrial sector Heterogeneity. The decline in the labor factor share in the previous period has reduced the optimal allocation of labor force, reduced the pressure and motivation for enterprises to carry out technological innovation and upgrade their industrial structure while increasing the share of capital factor, and greatly reduced the threshold for the phase-out of low-level and low-productivity enterprises Hindering the progress of productivity in China’s industrial sector; the increase in the share of labor factors in the latter part of the world has forced the technological progress and upgrading of the industrial structure in the industrial sector; the enterprises have optimized the allocation of labor factors under the conditions of profit maximization and at the same time accelerated the phase-out of low-level The pace of industry and low-productivity enterprises has contributed to the improvement of the productivity of our industrial sector.
<正> (一) 建国40年来我省水文事业取得的成就1.水文水资源站网有了很大的发展。1949年我省解放时只有雨量站49个、潮水位站9个和水文站10个。当时没有开展水化学分析和水质
<正> 长江全长6300多公里,仅次于尼罗河与亚马逊河而居世界第三位;总落差5400多米,流域面积180万km~2,约为我国幅员总面积的1/5。长江流域雨量丰沛,平均年雨量约1100mm。长江