中国户外广告业大踏步进入高科技时代 99’大贺之友——户外广告信息交流会在沪隆重举行

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99’大贺之友--户外广告信息交流会于1999年8月8日在上海大贺广告(数码喷画)公司隆重举行。中国广告协会孙英才副秘书长、上海市工商局广告协会张大镇副会长、江苏省广告协会周顺义副会长等广告业知名人士与工商界领导出席了本次交流会。孙秘书长对大贺企业举办这样的交流会为客户架建心桥、提供超值服务的举措给予了热情的赞赏和肯定。来自上海家化集团、江苏金城集团、江苏三毛集团、安徽扬子集团、广东伯利多集团、美国通用汽车公司等二十多家广告主和来自上海、北京、江苏、浙江、广东、陕西、湖北、贵州、内蒙、东北、港台、日本、美国等海内外数十家广告公司的老总和代表百余人济济一堂,交流了各自企业情况、广告计划、媒体拥有等信息资料,并探讨了有关中国户外广告业的现状和发展趋势。与会人士一致认为,中国户外广告已经步入了高科技时代,只有采用先进的设计与制作技术手段,方能使独特的创意与构思得以表现,才能创作出画面清晰细腻、层次丰富、色彩艳丽、持久的户外广告精品。上海大贺广告(数码 The Friends of Friends of 99’ - outdoor advertising information exchange was held on August 8, 1999 in Shanghai Dahe Advertising (digital inkjet) company. Vice President of the China Advertising Association Sun Yingcai, Vice President Zhang Dazhen of Advertising Association of Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Advertising Association Zhou Shunyi and other prominent figures in the advertising industry and business leaders attended the exchange. Secretary-general Sun gave a warm appreciation and appreciation to the Dahe Group for organizing such exchanges to build bridges and provide value-added services for customers. More than 20 advertisers from Shanghai Jahwa Group, Jiangsu Jincheng Group, Jiangsu Sanmao Group, Anhui Yangtze Group, Guangdong Bailie Group, and US General Motors Corporation, and from Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Hubei , Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, the United States and other dozens of advertising companies at home and abroad, CEOs and representatives of more than a hundred people gathered to exchange their own business conditions, advertising plans, media ownership and other information, and discussed the relevant China The status quo and development trend of outdoor advertising industry. Participants agreed that China’s outdoor advertising has stepped into the high-tech era. Only advanced design and production techniques can be used to enable unique creativity and ideas to be expressed. Only in this way can we create clear and detailed images, rich layers, and beautiful colors. Long-lasting outdoor advertising boutique. Shanghai Dahe Advertising (Digital
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