Numerical Simulation Multicomponent Ion Beam Transport form ECR Ion Source

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aboutt
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In order to simulate the transport of multi-components ion beam extracted from an ECU ion source, we have developed a multi-charged icn beam transport program named MCIBS 1.0. The program is dedicated to numerical simulation of the behavior of highly-charged ion beam and optimization of beam optics in transport lines and is realized on a PC with Windows user interface of Microsoft Visual Basic. Among all the ions with In order to simulate the transport of multi-components ion beam extracted from an ECU ion source, we have developed a multi-charged icn beam transport program named MCIBS 1.0. The program is dedicated to numerical simulation of the behavior of highly-charged ion beam and optimization of beam optics in transport lines and is realized on a PC with Windows user interface of Microsoft Visual Basic. Among all the ions with
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