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任何乐器都必须经过历史漫长岁月的改进,才会不断的接近科学程度。胡琴是我国唐代时期由胡人传入中原后经改进而成的乐器,在历史先辈们的努力之下改良为现在我们所用的二胡。20世纪初我国伟大的二胡琴教育家、演奏家刘天华先生把二胡推向了正式舞台,使得二胡出现了第二春,大力发展了二胡在民族乐器中的地位。但是,乐器的发展是必须通过演奏来体现的,在作曲家的作曲技巧的发展下,高难度的曲目频繁面世,而乐器的缺陷不断显现,其中二胡就是乐器中具有缺陷的一员,高音区音量、音质的衰减及融合性不强的问题是长期以来一直未能得到解决的,无论是独奏,合奏上都存在很大的不足性。近年四川音乐学院乐器研究所研陈泽教授在经过多年的研究后,研制出了“复合共鸣”改良胡琴系列,这对胡琴系列的不足之处具有极大的改进作用。他采用了科学的方式,在不改变演奏法、不改变乐器结构、不改变原有的音色的基础上进行改良,提高了高音音量、加强了融合性。作为当代乐器研究人员,应当继承前辈们的经验与意志,去探索与改进这一系列的问题,也为我国民族乐器与民族室内乐的发展贡献自己的一份努力。 Any musical instrument must go through a long history of improvement, will continue to close to the scientific level. Huqin is an improved musical instrument introduced by the Chinese in the Tang Dynasty from Central China in the Tang Dynasty. It was improved under the efforts of historical forerunners to the erhu we now use. At the beginning of 20th century, great erhu erhu teacher and virtuoso artist Liu Tianhua put the erhu in the formal stage, making the second spring show up in Erhu and vigorously developed erhu status in national musical instruments. However, the development of musical instruments must be manifested through performance. With the development of composer’s composer skills, highly demanding repertoire has been published frequently, while the defects of musical instruments have been constantly exposed. Among them, the erhu is a member of the instrument with defects, The problems of volume, sound attenuation and poor integration have not been solved for a long time, and both solos and ensembles are greatly inadequate. In recent years, Sichuan Conservatory of Music Instrument Research Institute Professor Chen Ze after years of research, developed a “complex resonance ” to improve the huqin series, which deficiencies of the huqin series has greatly improved. He adopted a scientific approach, without changing the performance method, without changing the structure of the instrument, without changing the original tone based on the improvement, improve the treble volume, and enhance the integration. As a contemporary musical instrument researcher, we should inherit the experience and will of our predecessors, explore and improve this series of issues, and also contribute our own efforts to the development of our country’s national musical instruments and national chamber music.
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