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我厂是以生产高级饮料为主的食品加工厂。随着生产的发展,我厂统计队伍不断充实加强,统计制度逐步完善,各种统计报表基本上做到。“准、快、全、明”,对加强企业管理,促进生产发展,起了一定作用,1977年以来,在公司、局系统开展的统计工作竞赛评比中,连续5年被评为全局统计工作的先进单位,最主要的一条,是我们注重加强统计基础工作。一、建立全厂三级统计核算网1981年,在企业整顿中,我们除制定了各级统计人员岗位责任制和全厂统计工作竞赛评比制度外,还制定了三级统计核算制。在制度中,明确规定了班组、车间和厂部的统计核算任务和具体内容。厂部一级,负责全面反映企业生产成果,通过报表和分析向厂部领导和上级主管部门及时、准确地反映各个时期生产完成情 Our factory is a food processing factory which mainly produces advanced beverages. With the development of production, the statistical team of our factory has been continuously enriched and strengthened, the statistical system has been gradually improved, and various statistical reports have basically been completed. “Quasi-fast, complete, and bright” has played a role in strengthening enterprise management and promoting production development. Since 1977, it has been rated as a global statistical job for five consecutive years in the competition for statistical work conducted by the company and the Bureau. The most important one of the advanced units is our emphasis on strengthening statistical work. I. Establishment of a three-level statistical accounting network for the whole plant In 1981, in addition to establishing a system of job responsibility system for statisticians at all levels and a system-wide job evaluation competition, we also developed a three-level statistical accounting system. In the system, the statistical accounting tasks and specific contents of the team, workshop, and factory are clearly defined. At the factory level, it is responsible for fully reflecting the company’s production results, and reporting to the head of the factory department and the competent department at a higher level, timely and accurately reflecting the completion of production in each period through statements and analysis.
多年来,林机产品生产销售,包括林机维修配件的产需衔接,亦沿用单一计划经济的格局,全年需要一次编订计划,提报申请需要量,主管上级领导机关一次性 Over the years, the pro