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四川化工控股集团公司全体员工、离退休老同志、离岗休息员工、家属同志们:新年伊始,万象更新。告别成绩斐然的2007年,充满希望的2008年已经踏步而来。在这新年来临之际,我们谨代表四川化工控股集团公司董事会、党委会和经营班子向一年来辛勤工作的全体员工,向离退休老同志、离 All employees of Sichuan Chemical Holding Group Company, retired veteran comrades, staff members who have resigned from office and their families, comrades at the beginning of the new year, Vientiane update. Farewell to the successful 2007, full of hope in 2008 has come. On the dawn of this new year, on behalf of the board of directors, party committees and management team of Sichuan Chemical Holdings Corporation, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the staff who have worked hard for a year, to retired veteran comrades,
Ⅰ随着科技的发展,电脑的使用越来越广泛。未来电脑将给我们的生活带来什么?请看下文,我们或可略作了解。 With the development of science and technology, the use of co
A  Tired mother said to a small boy:Billy, what is Baby crying about now? Didn’t I tell you to give him anything he wants to keep him from crying?  Small boy replied:“Yes, Ma, but I’ve dug him a hole
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
满分120分,考试时间80分钟第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When did the alarm ring?A.At 5 o’clock
Which month has 28 days?哪个月有28天?  Mouse fell off a 100-step stair and was not hurt. Why? 老鼠从100级的台阶上摔下来却没有受伤。为什么?  Why do giraffes have long necks? 为什么长颈鹿有长长的脖子?
微软在去年发布了新一代视窗操作系统Windows Vista之后,大部分企业用户都在对这款新产品持观望态度。但是,随着微软Windows Vista首个服务更新包(Service Pack1)的发布,这种