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数十年从戎在外,只要有机会,我就想法赶回家,陪陪母亲。可每次团聚,也意味着一次新的分离。记得23年前第一次探家临归队时,母亲送我到河边。那时,公路还没有修通,外出要坐船,待我出门,她跟着。我走到河边,她也跟到河边。我上了船,她想跨上船,伸了脚,又停住了。船就离岸了,母亲满脸是笑地望着我,并没有说话。船摇出好远了,母亲还站在岸边,向我不断地扬手。 For decades, I was tempted to go home and spend time with my mother whenever there was a chance. Can be reunited each time, also means a new separation. I remember when my detective came home for the first time 23 years ago, my mother sent me to the river. At that time, the highway had not yet been repaired. Go out to go by boat and wait until I go out. She followed. I walked to the river and she followed the river. I got on the boat and she wanted to cross the boat, stretch her foot and stop again. The boat was off shore, and my mother looked at me with a smile and didn’t speak. The ship shook it well, and the mother stood still on the shore and continued to raise my hand.
随着Windows Server2008的发布,微软的网络访问保护(NAP)方案在服务器端有了实质性的进展,加上与思科投入已久的网络接入控制(NAC)方案形成了同盟关系,企业用户在今后的网络
“一带一路”更多的是一种世界文化的融合,世界文化的认同。  “一带一路”倡议自2013年被提出已经走过了三年多的光景,它在古丝绸之路的概念基础上形成,被称为是“世界上最长、最具发展潜力的经济大走廊”!迄今为止,全球已经有超过六十个国家响应并且加入其中。  文化相通作为“五通”当中“民心相通”的重要表现形式,在共建“一带一路”的过程中,发挥了怎样的软实力?中华文化缘何能被世界人民所熟知和推崇?艺术家
Ⅰ随着科技的发展,电脑的使用越来越广泛。未来电脑将给我们的生活带来什么?请看下文,我们或可略作了解。 With the development of science and technology, the use of co
A  Tired mother said to a small boy:Billy, what is Baby crying about now? Didn’t I tell you to give him anything he wants to keep him from crying?  Small boy replied:“Yes, Ma, but I’ve dug him a hole
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