深化内部改革 推动企业进步

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangwei_joy
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1985年1月,我应聘担任厂长后,采用“一厂三制”,“分灶吃饭,合灶算利,单灶分成”,“自愿结合,组阁承包”的办法,对原来的经营方式,分配制度,人事管理诸方面进行了一系列的改革,促进了企业发展。1985年到1987年的3年间,企业固定资产由2962万元上升到3931万元,实现利润由1984年的33万元上升到651万元,是承包前的19.7倍。外销产品从无到有,1987年出口印染布1813万米,创汇1228万美元,使企业由内向型向外向型发展。今年1至4月份,实现利润394万元,完成了全年承包任务,创汇742万美元,分别比去年同期增长2.27倍和17.6倍。一、实行“一厂三制”推行全员承包。为了尽快落实承包经营责任制,有利于加强管理,我们从本厂实际出发采取“一厂三制”的办法,对旧的管理体制进行了改革。 In January 1985, after I applied for director, I used the methods of “one factory and three systems,” “dividing stoves to eat, combining stoves for profit, single stoves to be divided into”, “voluntary combination, and organizing contracting”, and the original mode of operation was adopted. A series of reforms have been carried out in all aspects of the distribution system and personnel management to promote the development of the company. During the three years from 1985 to 1987, the company’s fixed assets rose from 29.62 million yuan to 39.31 million yuan, and the profit increased from 330,000 yuan in 1984 to 6.51 million yuan, 19.7 times that before contracting. Exports of products from scratch, in 1987, 18.13 million meters of printing and dyeing cloth, foreign exchange earned 12.28 million US dollars, so that enterprises from the inward-oriented outward-oriented development. From January to April of this year, the company realized a profit of 3.94 million yuan, completed its annual contracting task, and earned foreign exchange of 7.42 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.27 times and 17.6 times over the same period of last year. First, the implementation of “one plant and three systems” to implement the full contract. In order to implement the contract responsibility system as soon as possible, it is beneficial to strengthen management. We have adopted the “one plant and three systems” approach based on the actual conditions of the plant to reform the old management system.
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