散淡清心写奇崛 吞吐六合骋八荒——王离湘先生书法印象

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孙过庭于其著名的书学论著《书谱》中称书法为“固义理之会归,信贤达之兼善者”。古代大书家王羲之、颜真卿、苏轼、康有为无不是积极入世建功立业,并富有学养,闲来游心而兼善翰墨者。其决非当代书坛为沽名钓誉而一味竞逐展赛,或为了稻粱谋而迎合世俗者。我们认为做书家就应该做王右军、颜清臣、苏东坡、康南海那样的大书家。这是中国古代文人书法的传统,也是中国书法传统文化的主流精神。王离湘先生就是这样一位积极入世、济世而又兼善翰墨的当代新文人书家。王离湘,别署一叶轩主。其为人宽 Sun Chaotian in his famous book of books “book” calligraphy call “solid justice management of the will, letter of the good people”. Wang Xizhi, Yanzheng Qing, Su Shi and Kang Youwei, ancient big book writers, are both active in joining the WTO and well-educated. It is by no means a contemporary altar for the sake of fame and blindly compete for the exhibition race, or in order to find ways to meet the layman. We think that we should do the bookrider Wang Youjun, Yan Qingchen, Su Dongpo, Kang Nanhai that big book. This is the tradition of ancient Chinese calligraphers, but also the mainstream of Chinese calligraphy and traditional culture. Mr. Wang Liuxiang is such a contemporary scholar-writer who is active in joining the WTO and serves both the world and the outside world. Wang from Hunan, another leaf Xuanzhu Lord. It’s wide
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