Microtextural characterization of as-cast and hot press-deformed TiN whiskers in TiNw-AlNp/AI compos

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yczhudong
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The local distribution of preferred orientation and misorientation in TiN whiskers in TiNw-AlNp/Al composite system is investigated using backscattering electron diffraction combined with a scanning electron microscope. These preliminary results demonstrate the utility of this new automated technique for characterizing local textures in composite materials using backscattering electron diffraction, The composite investigated comprises TiN whiskers in a polycrystalline aluminum matrix. The local textures of samples before and after deformation were measured. The misorientation distributions show a breakdown of the monocrystal of TiN whisker in the deformed composite material relative to the starting material and an increase in small angle misorientations. The local distribution of preferred orientation and misorientation in TiN whiskers in TiNw-AlNp / Al composite system is investigated using backscattering electron diffraction combined with a scanning electron microscope. These preliminary results demonstrate the utility of this new automated technique for characterizing local textures in composite materials using backscattering electron diffraction, The composite text includes TiN whiskers in a polycrystalline aluminum matrix. The local textures of samples before and after deformation were measured. The misorientation distributions show a breakdown of the monocrystal of TiN whiskers in the deformed composite material relative to the starting material and an increase in small angle misorientations.
一、提取经验,导入新课师:我们知道,数学不仅要研究数量关系,还要研究空间形式,也就是物体的形状、大小以及它们的位置关系。(出示铅笔)这个物体是什么形状的?生:圆柱体。 F
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