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夏曾佑(1863—1924年),浙江杭州人,字穗生,号穗卿,又号碎佛,笔名别士,为晚清数学家夏鸾翔之子,光绪十六年(1890年)中进士,授礼部主事。他与梁启超、谭嗣同等人交往密切,为“讲学最契之友”。光绪二十二年(1896年),汪康年、梁启超创办《时务报》,他曾为之撰稿。光绪二十三年,夏曾佑离京至天津育才馆执教,与严复、王修植等创办《国闻报》,宣扬新学,鼓吹变法,认为中国封建专制主义不除,将面临亡国灭种的危险。夏早年治今文经学,后又系统地接受了西方进化论学说,形成了他的“民智决定论”和“教育救国论”的文化史观。光绪二十八年(1902年),应商务印书馆之邀,用章节体编写《最新中学中国历史教科书》。辛亥革命后,出任北洋政府教育部普通教育司司长,后调任京师图书馆馆长。1924年在京病逝,享年61岁。 《最新中学中国历史教科书》是夏曾佑一生中最重要、也是唯一的史学著作。全书分为两篇,4章170节,为章节体中国通史,于光绪三十年至三十二年(1904—1906年),由商务印书馆分3册陆续出版。夏曾佑鉴于中国历史古老悠久,内容繁富庞杂,而历代史书所记又是前后矛盾,歧义间出,难以达到鉴往知来的要求。因此,他撰写此书的宗旨:力求“文简于古人而理富于往籍”,“以供社会之需”。全书“总 Xia Zengyou (1863-1924), Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the word spike, No. Sui Qing, also broken the Buddha, pen name of a taxi, as the late mathematician Xia Xian Xiang son, Guangxu sixteen years (1890) The main fact. He has close contacts with Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong and others, as “the most dear friend of lectures.” Twenty-two years Guangxu (1896), Wang Kangnian, Liang Qichao founded the “Current Affairs Newspaper,” for which he wrote. Twenty-three years of Guangxu, Xia Zengyou left Beijing to Tianjin Museum of Coca-Coaching, and Yan Fu, Wang Xiuzhi founded the “National Newspaper” to promote new learning, advocating change, that the Chinese feudal despotism will not be expelled, will face the danger of extinction. In the early years of summer, he studied modern Jinwen and later systematically accepted the theory of Western evolution, forming his view of cultural history on the basis of his “determination of national wisdom” and “saving the nation by education.” Twenty-eight years Guangxu (1902), at the invitation of the Commercial Press, with a chapter body compilation of “the latest Chinese history textbook.” After the Revolution of 1911, he became director of the General Education Department of the Beiyang Government Ministry of Education and later transferred to the director of the Beijing Normal University Library. 1924 died in Beijing at the age of 61. The latest Chinese history textbook of middle school is the most important and unique historical book in Xia Zengyou's life. The book is divided into two chapters, Chapter 4 170, for the chapter Chinese history, in Guangxu thirty years to thirty-two years (1904-1906), commercial press in three volumes published one after another. Xia Zengyou Given the long history of ancient China, the content is rich and complex, and historical records of history are inconsistent and ambiguous, ambiguous, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the past. Therefore, he wrote the book's aim: to “simplify the text of the ancients and rationale for membership”, “for social needs.” The book "total
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