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邱娥国是南昌市公安局西湖分局筷子巷派出所户籍民警。17年来。他始终牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨。一心扑在工作上;处处想人民群众之所想,急人民群众之所急,把为民、利民、便民作为自己的行动准则和工作出发点。做到串百姓门、知百姓情、说百姓事、暖百姓心。邱娥国的先进事迹。受到了广大人民群众的交口称赞,也得到了各级组织的充分肯定。多年来。他被评为省、市劳动模范,获得过南昌市“五一”劳动奖章,荣立过两次二等功。连续三年被评为全省优秀人民警察,多次受到南昌市公安局嘉奖。江西省委、省政府和省公安厅先后作出决定,广泛开展向邱娥国学习的活动。目前,《人民日报》、中央电视台等11家新闻单位。同时以头版头条,报道了他的先进事迹。本刊在这里独家刊登“邱娥国同志先进事迹报告团”成员万一云同志的一篇发言稿。以飨广大读者。 Qiu Yuguo is a household registration policeman at the police station of the chopsticks at the West Lake Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang City. 17 years. He always remembers the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. We must concentrate on our work; we must think about what the masses think, worry about the urgency of the people, and regard the people, the people, and the people as their starting points for action and work. It is necessary to build a common people’s door, to know the people’s feelings, to talk about people’s affairs, and to warm the hearts of the people. The advanced deeds of Qiu Yuguo. It was praised by the broad masses of the people and fully affirmed by organizations at all levels. Over the years. He was named the provincial and municipal model worker and won the “May 1st” Labor Medal of Nanchang City. He has won two second class credits. For three consecutive years, it was named the Outstanding People’s Police of the province and was repeatedly awarded by the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang City. The Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and the Provincial Public Security Department successively made decisions and extensively carried out activities to learn Qiu Zhaoguo. At present, there are 11 news organizations such as People’s Daily and CCTV. At the same time, he reported on his advanced deeds with headlines. The magazine has exclusively published a speech by Comrade Wan Yiyun, member of the “comrade Qiu Yuguo’s advanced deeds report group” here. In order to readers.