天气冷了,水结成了冰,而冰雷又影响人们的出行,路上的车缓慢下来造成交通拥堵。在水结冰和人类驾车发生拥堵这两者之间有什么相似性吗?答案也许是肯定的。因为人和水都服从被物理规律统治的同样命运。对于舰载导弹的垂直发射系统的若干命题,又当是怎样的答案呢? 作客本次专家沙龙的是船舶重工集团的张成儒研究虽和宋学军研究员。
When the weather is cold, the water becomes ice, and ice and ice affect people’s travel. The traffic on the road slows down causing traffic congestion. Is there any similarity between the freezing of water and the jamming of human driving? The answer may be yes. Because man and water obey the same fate which is governed by the laws of physics. What are some of the answers to the question about the vertical launch system of shipborne missiles? What is the answer to this expert salon? Zhang Chengru, a shipbuilding heavy industry group, and Song Xuejun, a visiting researcher, are visiting this salon.