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(一) 在中学里,为了便于指导学生閱讀課本,培养他們独立工作能力,应当依照現行課本的教材順序进行教学。不过目前数学各种教材正处在逐步下放阶段,彼此銜接方面有些还不够紧密,而高中一年级的代数与三角两門課间脫节現象更为显著。在高一三角課中,首先讲三角函数定义时,要依賴于相似形的性貭与函数的概念作为基础。但是在代数里还沒讲到函数,没有函数概念的初步知識而进行研究三角函数作为一种具体的函数性貭时,对于这門知識的理解与运用来說,都将使学习受到一定程度的困难与缺陷。所以应当使学生了解函数的概念后再进一步讲三角函数的定义是完全有必要的。这样,就必然需要对現行課本中的部分教材,从順序安排方面作适当处理,才能适应于教学。怎样安排更好?个人意見是这样: 第一,开始讲三角新課前,先把函数的概念讲一些基本知識,包括常量、变量、对应关系及函数的符号与表达式等,为讲三角函数定义作好准备。如果采取这种方法,应注意下列两点: 1.讲函数的概念,不宜占用过多的課时,內容也不宜过广。主要以能够适应讲三角新課时的需要为准; 2.与代数里所讲函数概念的教材內容要一致,課 (1) In secondary schools, in order to facilitate the guidance of students in reading textbooks and to develop their ability to work independently, teaching should be conducted in accordance with the teaching materials of the current textbooks. However, at present, various textbooks for mathematics are in the stage of gradual decentralization, and some of them are still not close enough. The disconnection between the algebra and the triangle in the first grade of high school is even more significant. In the first grade course, when we first discuss the definition of trigonometric functions, we must rely on the concept of similarity and the concept of functions as the basis. However, when algebra does not talk about functions, there is no preliminary knowledge of the concept of functions, and when studying trigonometric functions as a concrete function, the understanding and use of this knowledge will cause learning to a certain extent. Difficulties and pitfalls. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for the students to understand the concept of the function and then further discuss the definition of the trigonometric function. In this way, some textbooks in the current textbooks must be handled properly in order to adapt to teaching. How to arrange better? Personal opinion is like this: First, before starting the new triangular lesson, first of all, the concept of the function is to give some basic knowledge, including constants, variables, correspondences, and symbols and expressions of functions. The definition is ready. If you take this approach, you should pay attention to the following two points: 1. The concept of speaking functions should not occupy too many hours and the content should not be too broad. Mainly to be able to adapt to the needs of the new lesson time in the speaking triangle; 2. To be consistent with the content of the teaching materials in the algebra function theory, class
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