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教师不以教育者自居。新课程标准关心的是课程目标、课程改革的基本理念和课程设计思路,关注学生学习的过程和方法,教师在使用课程标准的过程中,主要关注的是如何利用各门学科所特有的优势去促进每一个学生的健康发展。学科教育的本位不在学科,而在教育。教师的活动不再是依据固有模式“灌输”现成知识,而要应对学生活跃的思维和变化的情绪,不断推出有创意、有针对性的教育策略。教师设计的学习材料以信息量、训练量、思维量三量合并,使得课堂呈现立体式、快节奏、大容量的三大高效特点。教学中要以知识为载体,以培养学生的各种能力为目的。研究证明,能力不会随着知识的增加而自然形成,能力的形成是有条件的。应努力让学生积极参与课堂活动,让学生自觉配合、努力实践,才能实现知识与能力的协调发展。只有教师创设不同的活动,才能让学生的能力真正得到培养和提高,从而达到高效的目的。 Teachers do not educate themselves. The new curriculum standards are concerned with the curriculum objectives, the basic concepts of curriculum reform and curriculum design ideas, the process and methods of student learning, teachers in the use of curriculum standards, the main concern is how to use the unique advantages of various disciplines to go Promote the healthy development of every student. The standard of subject education is not subject, but education. Teacher activities are no longer based on the inherent model “inculcating ” ready-made knowledge, but to respond to the students active thinking and changing emotions, continue to introduce innovative, targeted education strategy. Teachers to learn the design of information to the amount of information, training, the amount of three volumes of thinking, making the classroom showing three-dimensional, fast-paced, high-capacity three efficient features. Teaching should be based on knowledge as a carrier, in order to cultivate students’ abilities for the purpose. Research shows that abilities do not naturally develop as knowledge increases, and the formation of abilities is conditional. Efforts should be made to enable students to actively participate in classroom activities so that students can cooperate with each other and work hard to realize the coordinated development of knowledge and ability. Only when teachers create different activities can the students’ abilities be truly cultivated and improved, so as to achieve the goal of high efficiency.
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