5年前,当28岁的拉里·佩奇和27岁的谢尔盖·布林创立Google时,他们拒绝支付给房东Google的股份,他们的远大目标是“接管整个互联网”。如果是在今天,可能没有人会去嘲笑他们当初“不切实际”的豪言壮语。因为搜索这个曾经免费,被人忽视的丑小鸭,现在已经丰满了资本的翅膀,成为眼下最风行的网络服务。而Google.则几乎成为搜索的代名词。 “注意力经济”、“眼球经济”也曾经是这个星球上最被注意的词汇,但是它们只阐述了信息资源的无限性和注意力引发的商机有限性的矛盾,争夺
When Larry Page, 28, and Sergey Brin, 27, founded Google five years ago, they refused to pay Google, a landlords property, whose ambition to “take over the Internet.” If it is today, no one may laugh at their original “unrealistic” rhetoric. Because searching for this once free, neglected ugly duckling is now full of capital wings and is now the most popular online service. Google is almost synonymous with search. “Attention Economy” and “Eye Economy” were once the most noticed words on the planet, but they only dealt with the contradiction between the infinity of information resources and the limited business opportunities caused by attention