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  For nearly half a century, the1)CIA and Cu-ban2)exiles have been trying to3)devise ways to4)assassinate Fidel Castro, who is currently5)laid low in Cuba following an operation for6)intestinal bleeding. None of the plots, of course, succeeded.
  Fabian Escalante, who for a time had the job of keeping the commandant alive, has calculated that there have been a total of 638 attempts on Castro’s life. That may sound like a staggeringly high figure.
  The most spectacular of the plots against Castro will be examined in a documentary entitled 638 Ways to Kill Castro, as well as in a companion book of the same name written by the now-retired Escalante—a man who, while in his post as head of the Cuban secret service, played a part in7)heading off a number of the plots. While the exploding cigar that was intended to8)blow up in Castro’s face is perhaps the best-known of the attempts on his life, others have been equally9)bizarre.
  Knowing his10)fascination for11)scuba-diving off the coast of Cuba, the CIA at one time invested in a large volume of Caribbean12)mollusks. The idea was to find a shell big enough to contain a13)lethal quantity of explosives, which would then be painted in colors14)lurid and bright enough to attract Castro’s attention when he was underwater. Documents released under the Clinton administration confirm that this plan was considered but, like many others, did not make it far from the drawing-board. Another15)aborted plot related to Castro’s underwater activities was for a diving-suit to be prepared for him that would be infected with a16)fungus that would cause a17)chronic and18)debilitating skin disease.
  One of the reasons there have been so many attempts on his life is that he has been19)in power for so long. Attempts to kill Castro began almost immediately after the 1959 revolution, which brought him to power. In 1961, when Cuban exiles with the backing of the US government tried to overthrow him in the Bay of Pigs20)fiasco, the aim was to assassinate Fidel and Raul Castro and Che Guevara. Two years later, on the day that President Kennedy was assassinated, an agent who had been given a pen-21)syringe in Paris was sent to kill Castro, but failed.
  On one occasion, a former lover was22)recruited to kill him. The woman was given poison pills by the CIA, and she hid them in her23)cold cream jar. But the pills melted and she decided that, all things considered, putting cold cream in Castro’s mouth while he slept was a bad idea. According to this woman, Castro had already guessed that she was aiming to kill him and he duly offered her his own pistol. “I can’t do it, Fidel,” she told him.
  The most recent serious assassination attempt that we know of came in 2000 when Castro was due to visit Panama. A plot was24)hatched to put 90kg of high explosives under the25)podium where he was due to speak. That time, Castro’s personal security team carried out their own checks on the scene, and helped to abort the plot.
  Officially, the US has abandoned its attempt to kill its26)ar-chenemy, but Cuban security are not27)taking any chances. Any gifts sent to the ailing leader as he lay ill were carefully28)scrutinized, just as they were when those famous exploding cigars were being constructed by the CIA’s technical services department in the early 60s. They never got to him, but those cigars29)contaminated with botulinum toxin were understood to have been made using his favourite brand. Castro gave up smoking in 1985.
  All these plots inevitably changed the way Castro lived his life. While in his early years in office, he often walked alone in the street, but that practice had to change. Since then30)doubles have been used, and over the decades Castro has moved between around 20 different addresses in Cuba to make it harder for any potential hitmen to reach him.

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