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“管窥效应”是理解新闻摄影真实性原则的一种新阐释。本文从摄影自身的特点、媒介特性两方面入手,分析了摄影拍摄与观看的方式,指出观察能力的不同是相机和人眼的重要差别之一,透过镜头产生的新闻照片受到“管窥效应”的深刻影响。“管窥效应”从揭示、选择与遮蔽三个层面体现在新闻摄影传播过程中,新闻照片是有超越人眼的揭示能力,但也是主观建构的结果,同时也遮蔽了很多信息。 “Glimpse of the effect ” is a new interpretation of the principle of understanding the authenticity of news photography. This paper analyzes the characteristics of photography and media characteristics, and analyzes the ways of shooting and watching photography. It points out that the difference of observation ability is one of the important differences between the camera and the human eye. The news photos produced through the camera are subject to "Profound influence. From the perspectives of revealing, selecting and sheltering, the news photograph has the ability of revealing beyond the human eyes, but also the result of the subjective construction, and at the same time it blocks a lot of information.
肝间叶性错构瘤(mesenchymal hamartoma of liver,MHL)于1903年由Maresch首先报道,临床罕见,发病率为每年0.7/100万.MHL曾用名较多,如海绵状淋巴腺瘤样肿瘤、胆汁细胞纤维腺
前列腺间质肉瘤(prostatic stromal sarcoma,PSS)来源于前列腺间质中的间充质多能干细胞,是一种极为罕见的前列腺恶性肿瘤,仅占前列腺原发性肿瘤的0.2%~0.5%,以往常常被误诊为平
子宫内膜去分化癌(dedifferentiated endometrial carcinoma,DEC)是一种罕见类型的子宫内膜癌,2006年Silva等[1]首先提出,2014年最新版WHO女性生殖器官肿瘤分类中将其正式列
目的 探讨泡球蚴感染宿主病灶旁肝细胞中β-catenin和cyclin D1的表达及其意义.方法 采用免疫组化方法检测β-catenin和cyclin D1在32例人泡球蚴感染病灶旁肝细胞中和12例对
患者男性,55岁.面黄、乏力、心慌、胸闷1月余,加重伴发热9天人院.血常规:白细胞1.11× 109/L,血红蛋白99g/L,血小板180× 109/L.彩超示脾肿大,肋下30 mm;右心房增大,三尖瓣轻
患者女性,53岁.体检时B超探及左侧乳腺外下象限低回声团,大小2.2 cm×1.7 cm× 1.5 cm,边界清晰,形态规整,内回声均匀.专科查体:左侧乳腺外下象限扪及直径2 cm肿块,质地稍硬,
肺腺癌伴复杂腺体模式(lung adenocarcinoma with complex glandular patterns,LADC-CGP)或肺腺癌中的复杂腺体模式(complex glandular patterns in lung adenocarcinoma)[1]