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你观察过烧开的稀饭吗?米粒从底部翻滚上来,又迅速向四周扩散,并在接近锅边处沉下。这是典型的对流运动的形式。我们脚下广阔大地的板块漂移运动在本质上正是源于厚达两三千千米的地幔的对流运动。把米粒米汤分别类比成地壳地幔,尽管对流运动的实质相同,但在表观上至少存在三大差异:首先,在空间上,两者的规模是不可同日 Have you observed the boiled porridge? The rice rolls up from the bottom, spreads quickly to the periphery, and sinks near the edge of the pan. This is the typical form of convection. The wandering motion of the vast expanse of earth beneath our feet is, in essence, the result of convective movements in the mantle up to two or three kilometers thick. Analogy of the rice grain rice soup to the crust and mantle, respectively, has the same three major differences in appearance although there are essentially the same convective movements: first, in space, the scale of the two is not the same day
A case with a pigmented skin lesion that was diagnosed as a blue naevus on clinical and dermoscopic grounds and histopathologically confirmed as a dermatofibrom
摘要:结合通信工程专业的特点及自身教学实践,从教学目标、教学内容、教学模式及重视程度几方面分析现有教学中存在的问题,探讨科技英语课程的教学改革方法,实践证明改革效果较好。  关键词:科技英语;通信工程;教学改革  作者简介:李丹(1980-),女,吉林白城人,韶关学院计算机科学学院,讲师。(广东韶关512005)  基金项目:本文系国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:61101134)的研究成果。  
In the DF1-1 Gas Field in the Yinggehai Basin,South China Sea,the velocity-depth plot and velocity spectra show significant variations from a linear trend,exhib
本文在普遍语法框架下对be动词做了重新定位,通过类比分析认为be动词是一个完整VP,并且应该归属于存现动词。 In this paper, the be verb has been repositioned under the
Objective: Even though radiotherapy plays a major role in the local treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), little is known about the molecular effects
患者男性,46岁,2004年12月因左眼球突出1个月,伴胸部疼痛半个月来我院就诊.眼部检查:双眼裸眼视力1.2,右眼未见异常.左眼球轴性突出,突出度:右眼9 mm,左眼15 mm,眶距96 mm,左眶外上方深部可触及一肿物,质软,轻度压痛,可活动.眼球外转、上转受限,眶压增高,眼压正常,眼睑肿胀,结膜无充血,结膜外上方可见淡红色泪腺受压突出,角膜透明,晶状体透明,玻璃体无混浊,眼底正常.CT检查发