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专题指导 本专题主要内容包括王朝更替、都城变迁、帝王活动、政治制度、变法改革、农民战争、重要战役等。其重点是历代专制主义中央集权的加强,六次变法改革和所涉及的八次农民起义。难点是对我国古代政治制度特点及地位、农民战争历史作用的分析认识。 政治制度是人类社会一定发展阶段的产物。它是政治的载体和规则,体现政治的组织、形式和程序。它的核心是国家政权的结构关系及其运转方式。中国古代的政治制度主要包括奴隶制的政治制度和封建制的政治制度。我国奴隶社会的国家机构,是以王位世袭制、分封诸候制为其特点的。君主专制主义、中央集权、官僚政治,是我国封建政治的三大基本特征。君主专制,体现了帝位终身制和皇位世袭制,皇帝个人专断独裁,集国家最高权力于一身。封建皇帝从决策到行使立法、行政、司法权,都具有独断性和随意性。中央集权,这是相对于地方分权而言,其特点是地方政府在政治、经济、军事和文化上没有独立性,必须严格服从中央政府的命令,受制于中央政府。官僚政治是封建专制主义的派生物,其要害是官僚凡事奉命从事. Thematic guidance The main topics of this topic include the replacement of the dynasties, the evolution of the capital, the activities of the emperors, the political system, reform of the reform, the peasant war, and important battles. The emphasis is on strengthening centralization of authoritarianism in past centuries, six reforms of the reform, and eight peasant uprisings involved. Difficulties are the analysis and understanding of the characteristics and status of ancient political systems in China and the historical role of peasant warfare. The political system is a product of a certain stage of development of human society. It is the carrier and rules of politics and it reflects the organization, form, and procedures of politics. Its core is the structural relationship of the state power and its mode of operation. The ancient Chinese political system mainly included the political system of slavery and the political system of feudalism. The national institutions of the slave society in our country are characterized by the hereditary system of the throne and the establishment of individual systems. Monarchy, centralization, and bureaucratic politics are the three basic characteristics of feudal politics in China. The dictatorship of the monarchy embodies the tenure system of imperialism and the hereditary system of the imperial crown. The emperor dictates personally and sets the highest authority in the country. From the decision-making to the exercise of legislative, administrative, and judicial power, the feudal emperors were arbitrary and random. Centralization of power, as opposed to decentralization, is characterized by the lack of independence of the local government in politics, economy, military affairs, and culture. It must strictly obey the orders of the central government and be subject to the central government. Bureaucratic politics is a derivative of feudal and authoritarianism. Its key is that the bureaucrats are required to engage in everything.
几何教学内容的选择和处理一直是数学课程改革的热点问题 .六七十年代以来 ,数学教育界有不少人主张削弱传统的欧氏几何 ,激进派甚至提出“欧几里德滚出去”的口号 .当前几何
名词作状语,即名词直接用在动词前面,对动词起修饰、限制作用,其语法成分的地位是状语.名词作状语主要有以下三种类型. The nouns are adverbials, that is, nouns are use
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研究表明 ,直觉思维在人的创造思维能力中占有举足轻重的地位 .然而 ,目前数学教学中则往往偏重于演绎推理的训练 ,过分强调形式论证的严密逻辑性 ,忽视直觉思维的突发性理解
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