归零心态 “海不辞水,故能成其大;山不辞土石,故能成其高。”自然规律如此,人的成长也是如此。人只有虚心,才能获得知识和能力的提高。古希腊哲人芝诺曾象征性地画过一个圆,圆圈里的是知识,圆圈外的是无知,他认为一个人越有知识,就越会发现自己的无知,当今的信息时代,知识的更新换代已经缩短到2~3年,人类探知的领域越来越大。如同圆圈越大,接触无知的面就越大一样。 归零的心态是成功的第一步,我们要以归零的心态面对日益扩大的圆圈。世界第一大保险公司——日本生命保险相互会社宇野社长访问平安时曾
Zero state of mind “sea without water, it can become its big; mountains do not stop stone, it can become its high.” Natural law, human growth is also true. Only an open-minded person can gain knowledge and ability. The ancient Greek philosopher Zeno had drawn a circle symbolically. There was knowledge in the circle and ignorance outside the circle. The more he knew of a person, the more he discovered his ignorance, the information age of today, the update of knowledge Replacement has been reduced to 2 to 3 years, the field of human exploration is getting bigger and bigger. As the larger the circle, the greater the contact with the ignorance of the same. The mentality of zeroing is the first step to success, and we face the ever-expanding circle with a zero-return mentality. The world’s largest insurance company - Japan Life Insurance mutual Association Urano President when he visited peace