农药使用知识讲座 第一讲:农药基础知识

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近年来,随着农药施用范围的扩大和施用量的增加,滥用农药和误用农药造成经济损失和人畜伤亡的事件层出不穷。其主要原因,一是因为农药生产和销售市场的管理不规范,上市农药种类和品种繁多,包装和特定指标混乱且频繁更换,使得使用者无所适从;二是随着有机磷、有机氯等剧毒农药逐渐被禁用和限制使用,农民的警惕性有所降低,特别是大多数农民对农药基本知识和使用技术缺乏系统的了解,随意性较大,造成人为的损失。对于生产和销售市场混乱的现状,国家有关部门正在通过法律、行政等手段进行整顿和规范。而对于农药使用过程中人为的滥用和误用则引起了全社会的高度重视,专家们大声疾呼,要运用多种形式向广大农民宣传普及农药使用知识,尽快使这个环节上的损失降至最低水平。鉴于此,本刊特邀河南省农科院植保所的专家们,就农药使用知识撰写文章,以系列讲座的形式刊出,以期对广大农民朋友有所帮助。 In recent years, with the expansion of pesticide application scope and the increase of application rate, there are more and more emergencies of abuse of pesticides and misuse of pesticides resulting in economic losses and human and livestock injuries. The main reasons are as follows: firstly, the management of the pesticide production and marketing market is not standardized, the types and varieties of pesticides listed are various, the packaging and the specific indicators are confused and frequently replaced, making the users know what to do; and secondly, with the extremely toxic organic phosphorus and organochlorine Pesticides are gradually being banned and restricted. The vigilance of peasants has been reduced. In particular, most peasants lack a systematic understanding of the basic knowledge and use of pesticides and are more arbitrary and cause human losses. For the status quo in the chaos of the production and sales markets, the relevant state departments are now rectifying and standardizing them through legal and administrative means. The abuse and misuse of pesticides in the process of using pesticides has aroused the great attention of the whole society. The experts are crying out loud and using various forms to publicize and popularize the use of pesticides to farmers so as to minimize the losses on this link . In view of this, this magazine invited experts from Institute of Plant Protection of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences to write articles on the use of pesticides, published in the form of series of lectures in the hope of helping farmers in general.
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