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禅宗言称,众生要进入佛之境界须通过两种途径;一是苦行,二是顿悟。于是便有了南北宗之争。其实两种说法均有偏颇,试想若无当年玄奘西行历经艰险取得佛经,达摩东去嵩岳面壁九年思得禅宗,众生缘何得悟?民间有句古话为:“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫”。其中道破两者之间的关系,要想“得来”则必须“踏破铁鞋”。我时常以此话为座右铭来鞭策自己。 艺术源于生活,我的大多数作品的创作和我的生活经历无法分割,对我而言,艺术诞生于情感,毁灭于观念。 十五年前我出于河南灵宝,北邻黄河、南依秦岭当年秦国的关隘——函谷关附近的坡头。不远之外便是老子当年著书立说之地。乡民们虽然对《道德经》一无所知,但此地颇具老子所称道的“小国寡民”之遗风。我儿时喜欢随意涂抹的爱好,其中受母亲的影响不小。母亲识字极少,但却是周围有名的巧手,新春佳节和喜庆之日应人之求忙不过来时,会破例让我代笔画画窗花描描灯笼之类的小东西。每逢此时我会十分兴奋,尤其在众乡亲的夸奖之下颇有得意之感。 Zen said that sentient beings to enter the realm of Buddhism have to go through two channels; one is asceticism and the other is epiphany. So there will be a dispute between North and South. In fact, the two versions are biased, imagine that in the absence of the Xuan Zang westbound after hardships to get the Buddhist scriptures, Bodhidharma surface to the face of Songyou think Zen for nine years, why do all sentient beings realized? Folk saying goes: Department, have come to all effort. “ Which break the relationship between the two, in order to ”get“ you must ”steal iron shoes.“ I often use my motto as my motto. Art comes from life, the creation of most of my works and my life experience can not be separated. For me, art is born of emotion and destroyed in concept. Fifteen years ago I was out of Henan Lingbao, north of the Yellow River, according to the Qinling Mountains south of the pass that year - Homoguan near the slope head. Not far from the book that I was talking about the land. Although the villagers did not know anything about the Tao Te Ching, the legacy of the ”little countrymen and the widow" who lauded Lao Tzu here was their legacy. When I was a child, I like to apply my favorite hobby, which is influenced by my mother. My mother, who has very few literate but well-known handys around the world, will make an exception for small pieces such as lanterns like flashlights on behalf of the Spring Festival and the occasion of the festive occasion. At this time every time I will be very excited, especially in the folks praise quite proud.
目的:研究纤维支气管镜检查中开展心理护理干预的价值.方法:取2018.01~2019.04接收80例纤维支气管镜检查患者研究以随机法分为 2组,对照组(n=40常规护理) ,试验组(n=40心理护理)
1999年10月纽约市布碌仑现代美术馆举办了称作前卫特异艺术风格绘画展览,英文为: Sensation: Young British ArtistsFrom the Saatchi Collection。中文即“感触──沙奇英国青年艺术家收藏品”。共展出这位收藏 October 1999 New York Cit
工笔人物画开中国传统之先河,是我国最早形成的一种绘画形式。如何再认识、再理解工笔人物画,是当代工笔画发展迫切需要解决的观念问题,对工笔画教学也有重要的指导意义。  从
我所于1988年采用PDA培养基另加麦芽膏对食用菌的几个品种的母种进行了复壮试验,现将结果报告如下: 一、材料和方法 (一)供试菌株:金针菇三明一号(引自福建三明真菌所),杂交