LC–HRMS determination of piperine on rat dried blood spots: A pharmacokinetic study

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A liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry(LC–HRMS) method was developed and validated for the determination of piperine(PPR) on dried blood spots(DBS). DBS samples were prepared by spiking the whole blood with analyte to produce 30 m L of blood spots on specimen collection cards.Chromatographic separation was achieved on an Atlantis d C18 column using acetonitrile and water(0.1%formic acid)(85:15, v/v) as mobile phase in an isocratic mode of elution at a flow rate of 0.75 m L/min. MS detection was carried out in electrospray positive ion mode for the target ions and monitored at m/z286.1465 for PPR and 272.1303 for the internal standard(IS). The developed method exhibited a linear dynamic range over 0.01–2000 ng/m L for PPR on DBS. The overall extraction recovery of PPR from DBS was 92.5%. Influence of hematocrit and spot volume on DBS was also evaluated and found to be well within the acceptable limits. The method was successfully applied to pharmacokinetic studies of PPR in rats. A liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) method was developed and validated for the determination of piperine (PPR) on dried blood spots (DBS). DBS samples were prepared by spiking the whole blood with analyte to produce 30 m L of blood spots on specimen collection cards. Chromatographic separation was achieved on an Atlantis d C18 column using acetonitrile and water (0.1% formic acid) (85:15, v / v) as mobile phase in an isocratic mode of elution at a flow rate of 0.75 m L / min. MS detection was carried out in electrospray positive ion mode for the target ions and monitored at m / z 286.1465 for PPR and 272.1303 for the internal standard (IS). The developed method exhibited a linear dynamic range over 0.01-2000 ng / m L for PPR on DBS. The overall extraction recovery of PPR from DBS was 92.5%. Influence of hematocrit and spot volume on DBS was also evaluated and found to be well within the acceptable limits. The method was successfully applied to pharmacokinetic studi es of PPR in rats.
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