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对报纸工作,我不是科班出身,只是因为革命工作需要,办了几年报纸,顶多只能算半路出家。因此,谈不上作总结,也写不出头头是道的回忆录。只是记得“文化大革命”一开始,我就靠边站那一段的情况。所谓靠边站,实则不是站,而是坐,坐在原来的办公室里无事可做。造反派把我经手办了十年的《文汇报》的合订本都搬来给我,大概是要我看旧报作检查。我想,反正是“瘫子掉在井里,拉上来还是坐”,为了解厌气,不妨翻翻。至于检查,我觉得无从下手。就这样逍遥了多少天,不久,就被驱逐出来,揪来揪去挨斗了。现在有点后悔。悔不该当时没认真把旧报仔细读读。但转而又想,当时果真要读,恐怕也读不出什么是非来。因此,长期以来,感到我在《文汇报》的十年,恰像白茫茫一片。当时怎样进去,后来又怎样被驱逐出境的,回忆起来,如同梦幻。三中全会以来,经六中全会,特别是十二大以后,头脑清醒多了。倒感到,有必要在我有限的晚年,在党的十二大的阳光下,索性把十年旧报拿出来翻一遍,见见阳光,从梦幻中清醒过来后想一想,找出是非得失。既算不得系统总结,也有别于临空的回忆。凡有所感,随笔写出,以供后之来者的评说。爰题名曰《晚晴轩重读旧报随感》。 I did not work in newspapers for a newspaper. Instead, I started out as a newspaper for a few years because of the need of a revolutionary work. Therefore, no conclusion can be made and no memoir is written. Just remember the “Cultural Revolution” from the very beginning, I’ll stop by that period of the situation. The so-called step aside, but in fact it is not a station, but sitting, sitting in the original office nothing to do. The rebel faction moved me to the bound book of Wen Wei Po that I handled for ten years, presumably asking me to look at the old newspaper for examination. I think, anyway, is “paralyzed fall into the well, pull up or sit,” To understand anger, may wish to read. As for the inspection, I feel unable to start. So many Happy days, and soon, they were expelled, pulling to pulling to fight. Now a little regret. Regret should not seriously read the old newspaper carefully. But in turn I thought, then really want to read, I am afraid I can not read what is wrong. Therefore, for a long time, I felt that in the “Wen Wei Po” ten years, just as a vast expanse of white. How to get in at that time, and later how to be deported, recalled, like a dream. Since the Third Plenary Session, after the Sixth Plenary Session, especially after the 12th Congress, the mind has been sober. Feeling depressed, it is necessary that in my limited old age, under the sunshine of the 12th Party Congress, I simply took out the old newspaper of the past ten years and then read it out again. I saw the sunlight, and after I woke up from my dreams, . Not only system summary, but also different from the airport memories. Where there is feeling, writing essay, for later commentator.爰 the title of “Late Qingxuan reread the old newspaper with flu.”
In this article,state feedback predictive controller for hybrid system via parametric programming is proposed.First,mixed logic dynamic(MLD)modeling mechanism f
编辑同志: 今年《新闻战线》第8期刊登了胡绩伟同志《新闻干部的培训是当务之急》一文。我细读后,很受鼓舞。要想不断提高新闻工作的水平,开创新闻工作的新局面,以适应建设