Analysis on Similarities and Differences inWedding Culture between America and China

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  【Abstract】Marriage is an enormous thing in everyone’s life, except birth and death. No matter in which country and which region, wedding is a festive thing. As the countries of China with a long history and the US with rapid development, although there are many differences in wedding culture, they all carry with love and best wishes. When it comes to planning a wedding people often honor traditions, even if they do not fully understand their origin or meaning. Every culture cherishes its own wedding traditions and superstitions. Some of those are closely followed even by those who are normally not superstitious. This article analyzes and discusses the similarities and differences of wedding culture between China and the US from the similarities and differences of wedding ceremony between China and the US. By contrast, it reflects the mutual integration of different culture in diversified era so that it will help more people know the relevant culture.
  【Key words】Chinese wedding; American wedding; the differences and similarities of cultural; Cultural integration
  I. Introduction
  Weddingcarries with two persons love, or even two families and the family’s blessing. For the parties of marriage, it is not only the end of two singles, but also the beginning of undertaking the responsibility and obligation of a family together. Experienced social after years of evolution, nowadays, each countrys wedding has a certain degree of change after years of social evolution. Like China and America, some of their certain processes have changed, because of other countries’ influence. However, their main idea remains traditional form on each other’s traditional marriage concept.
  II. Marriage Concept Extricated
  2.1 Chinese Tradition Marriage Concept
  Chinese marriage is based on Confucianism based. The five constant virtues-benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom(knowledge) and faith(credibility). To pursue harmony, there are three cardinal guides, namely: The king order the Minster, father order son and husband order wife. Marriage has a very scared meaning; all the men and women get married by the nature of Yin and Yang in heaven and earth. says: It first have heaven and earth, then the couples, and then father and son, then king and minister, then high and low, then arranges. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, scholars once admitted extraordinarily that wife should obey husband. The thought to have a virtuous wife as an understanding wife and loving mother is the most important thing for marriage. And the normal human relations are based on the marriage with serious ethics significance, also make the marriage became the traditional Chinese ethics basis.   2.2 United States Tradition Marriage Concept
  Western marriage ethics is deriving from Greece culture and Hebrew Christ culture. Most of their marriages are developed by peoples free love. Just like America, its marriage concept is mainly under the Christianity influence. In Christianity marriage concept, marriage is dominated by the god. The god said: Its not well for him live alone, Ill make a spouse for him. In the view of Christians, their marriages are granted by the god. They can observe and learn from real life, because of the god’s bless.
  The way they express their love is free love. They marry whom will, the parents having no control in that particular. They dont believe in destiny as conditioned by their past, and they never dating others blindly. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by “popping the question” in a romantic way. Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his girl friend a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor’s parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life. Their marriage concept is built on what Jesus Christ said. The Holy Bible provides basis for it, so that American get married based on love.
  Marriage is not an end of ones life but a new life just starts, is not a death of ones single life but a life, which need to continue. Common sense knows that Chinese and America culture from their own charactistics with their long-term development of the historical process. There is still have many similar between them. About wedding culture, Chinese wedding style is tend to Western-style wedding, and Western-style wedding is tend to Chinese-style wedding. The tendency is explained that wedding culture is changing and improving constantly with the social development. From ancient times to the present, wedding culture is still be the most important branch of the tradition culture.
  The cultural cross-fertilization and cultural evolution are true portrayal of multi-cultural society. Every kind of national culture has some relations. Because of there is not only connection but also difference between the two culture.
  [1]Diane Johnson Le Marggiage Plume Books 2001.4.
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