英如镝 为中国冰球的未来而战斗

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英如镝在冰球运动方面不仅天赋异禀,而且在后天的训练方面也是极其刻苦。国家体育总局冰球部主任于天德曾这样评价英如镝:“他所具备的技术,在场上所表现出的综合能力,已经超出了那些从小接受少体校培训的国内同年龄段孩子。他的出现是中国冰球运动的一件幸事。”英如镝三岁开始滑冰,四岁开始打冰球,五岁时代表北京体育学校去香港参加比赛,赢得了他人生中第一个奖项。英如镝在冰球方面展现出了过人的天赋,同时,非常注重后天的科学训练。所以,在他参加的国内和国外的比赛当中获奖无数。 Britain, such as dysprosium, is not only talented in hockey, but also extremely hardworking in acquired training. Yu Tiande, Director of the Department of Ice Hockey at the State Sports General Administration, commented that “the skills he possesses on the court have outgrown the children of the same age in China who have received less physical training since childhood. Is a blessing in the ice hockey movement in China. ”" Britain, such as dysprosium, began skating at the age of three and started playing ice hockey at the age of four. At the age of five, he represented Beijing Sports School in Hong Kong and won the first prize in his life. Britain, such as dysprosium in the ice hockey show extraordinary talent, at the same time, attaches great importance to acquired science training. So, he won numerous awards in both domestic and foreign competitions.