整顿规范市场 创造公平竞争环境——深圳市整顿勘察设计市场的重大举措

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深圳经济特区自成立以来,在特区范围内进行厂大规模的建设,吸引了全国各地的勘察设计队伍。到目前为止,仅是在深圳市、宝安、龙岗的勘察设计单位就有200多家。这些勘察设计单位在特区的建设中发挥了主力军的作用,为深圳特区发展为一个初具现代化的国际城市作出了突出的贡献。 1990年邓小平同志“南巡”之后,深圳特区的各项建设都上了一个新台阶,勘察设计行业也得到长足的发展,任务完成量创特区成立以来的最高水平,但与此同时,一些问题也日益暴露出来:如有的单位未在特区注册就擅自承接任务,末经批准就承接超范围、超等级的任务;还有当技术人员不够时就在社会上到处拉人搞设计,没有履行任何手续;更有出卖图章、压价竞争、给回扣等违章行为。这些现象的存在已严重扰乱了勘察设计队伍的正常秩序,对初步形成的深圳勘察设计市场相当不利。 深圳市政府建设局对特区内勘察设计市场的健康发展十分关注,局领导多次做了重要指示,要求各勘察设计单位努力规范勘察设计市场行为,提倡公平竞争,保证质量,维护市场的正常运作。 为此,在深圳市勘察设计协会主办召开的第二届第二次全体理事长、理事单位会议上,就如何配合政府部门规范勘察设计市场,加强管理做了认真的讨论。这次会议讨论通过了《关于制止不正当压价竞? Since the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the large-scale construction of the plant has been carried out within the scope of the Special Zone, which has attracted survey and design teams from all parts of the country. So far, there have been more than 200 survey and design units in Shenzhen, Baoan, and Longgang. These survey and design units played a major role in the construction of the special zone and made outstanding contributions to the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone as an international city with a modern beginning. After Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s “Southern Tour” in 1990, various constructions in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone took a new step. The survey and design industry has also made considerable progress. The task has been accomplished at the highest level since the establishment of the SAR, but at the same time, some problems have arisen. It has also become increasingly exposed: if any unit does not undertake the task without registering in the SAR, it will undertake the task of exceeding the scope and super-grade at the end of the approval; and when there are not enough technicians, it will draw people in the community to engage in design and will not perform. Any formalities; more betrayal stamps, price competition, rebates and other violations. The existence of these phenomena has seriously disrupted the normal order of survey and design teams, and it is quite unfavorable to the initially formed Shenzhen survey and design market. The Shenzhen Municipal Government Construction Bureau is very concerned about the healthy development of the survey and design market in the special zone. The bureau chief has repeatedly made important instructions, requiring all survey and design agencies to strive to standardize the behavior of the survey and design market, promote fair competition, ensure quality, and maintain the normal operation of the market. . To this end, at the second session of the second session of the entire board of directors, governing units held by the Shenzhen Survey and Design Association held a serious discussion on how to cooperate with the government departments to standardize the survey design market and strengthen management. The meeting discussed the adoption of the "on the prohibition of unfair price competition?
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