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近几年来,清苑县委针对农村基层组织建设中存在的实际问题,下大气力对农村干部进行科学化、规范化管理。牵住了农村干部管理的“牛鼻子”。清苑县实施农村干部规范化管理的主要做法是:1.实行“双捆绑”责任制,规范农村干部管理的责任机制。清苑县委针对一些村干部事业心不强,压力不大,在位多年,工作面貌依旧,群众意见很大的实际情况,从1995年开始在全县农村中推行了“双捆绑”式责任目标管理机制。一是工作任务捆绑。就是把班子建设、党员队伍建设、制度建设、经济建设、精神文明建设、依法治村和综合治理、计划生育等七项农村主要工作目标捆在一起,融为一体,一起布置,一起检查,一起考核。二是工作责任捆绑。就是把所有村干部的责任捆在一起,以责任状的形式,把七项工作任务分解到每个村干部身上,明确责任。责任状一年一定,由乡镇党 In recent years, Qingyuan County Committee for rural grassroots organizations in the construction of practical problems, make great efforts to carry out scientific and standardized management of rural cadres. Caught in the management of rural cadres “cow nose”. Qingyuan County to implement the standardized management of rural cadres The main approach is: 1. The implementation of “double bundles ” responsibility system, standardize the responsibility mechanism of rural cadre management. Qingyuan County Committee for a number of village cadres do not work hard, little pressure, the reign of many years, the work remains the same, the masses opinion of the actual situation, starting in 1995 in the county in rural areas to promote the Responsibility management system. First, the task bundle. Is the team building, construction of party members, system construction, economic construction, spiritual civilization, law enforcement of the village and comprehensive management, family planning and other seven major rural work goals tied together, together, together, together, together, together Assessment. Second, work responsibilities tied. That is, the responsibility of all village cadres is tied together, and the task of seven tasks is broken down into the responsibility of each village cadre in the form of responsibility. The responsibility of a certain year, by the township party
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