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艺术家、批评家、收藏家、画商,他们彼此依存,互相依赖,形成艺术发展的生存系统。 艺术家的作品必须被艺术圈内人士及社会关注,必须有艺术品收藏者及流通渠道,艺术家的身份与生存有赖于这些因素。 批评家的价值体现于对艺术家和艺术品的研究和判断,推动对会对艺术品的需要并解释艺术品的价值。批评家除了以此把握艺术史的流变和社会时尚的转换而获得智性的快乐之外,他们也获得身份的确认和存在的理由。很难设想一个只有个人欣赏乐趣而不将此转化为大众乐趣的人能被推举为艺术的代言人。 收藏家在严格意义上是指收藏而不销售艺术品的人,他们以展示收藏品的方式获得艺术圈内人士和社会的肯定,但也不否定他们用别种方式流通藏品,如藏品的交换等。他们中也有将藏品出售的,可能 Artists, critics, collectors, painters, who rely on each other, rely on each other to form a living system for the development of the arts. The artist’s work must be of concern to art circles and the public. There must be art collectors and circulation channels. The artist’s identity and existence depend on these factors. The value of critics is reflected in the research and judgment of artists and works of art, the promotion of the need for works of art, and the value of works of art. In addition to gaining intellectual happiness from the changes in the history of art and the transformation of social fashion, critics also gain the status of identification and reason for existence. It is hard to envision a person who can only be entertained by the pleasure of an individual without turning this into a public pleasure can be promoted as a spokesperson for the arts. Collectors, in the strict sense of the word, refer to people who collect rather than sell artefacts and are affirmed by the art circles and the society in the way of displaying their collections. However, they do not deny that they use different means to circulate collections, such as the exchange of collections Wait. Some of them also sell the collection, probably
本文就现代商业社会中 ,包装设计艺术的民族化的丰富底蕴和设计需把握的一般原理作了分析 ,肯定了“古为今用、洋为中用”是包装设计民族化的根本方针 ,民族化与时代相结合是
高翔毕业于云南艺术学院 ,后来又到中央美术学院油画系第10届研修班学习 ,算是专业油画出身了。高翔的这批作品大多是在油研班时候画的 ,很有一点探讨油画语言的味道。高翔对油