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贵州贵阳军分区立足工作实际,把学习贯彻江主席“三个代表”重要思想进一步向基层延伸,有力地推动基层建设全面健康发展,提高了基层建设的整体水平。 一、抓学习,强素质,按“三个代表”要求把官兵、职工的头脑武装好。针对人武部干部大多是从野战部队基层单位交流来的年轻干部和地方大学生中招收进来的干部,对民兵预备役工作业务不熟,理论功底不深的特点,军分区采取“三个结合”搞好“三个代表”的学习理解,即:实践岗位锻炼与个人自学相结合,集中培训与选送入校学习相结合,领导帮带与个别交流谈心相结合。每年组织对全区营以下干部进行集中培训,主要进行参谋新“六会”、高科技知识、民兵预备役业务、机关公文写作、党支部建设等内容的培训,培训率达到95%,时 Based on actual work, the Guiyang Military Sub-region in Guizhou extended its study and implementation of Chairman Jiang’s important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ to the grassroots level, vigorously promoted the overall healthy development of grassroots construction and enhanced the overall standard of grassroots construction. First, grasp learning and strong qualities, and arm the minds of officers and soldiers and workers according to the requirements of the “three represents.” For the cadres of the People’s Armed Forces, most cadres recruited from young cadres and local college students exchanged from the grass-roots units of the field troops are not familiar with the work of reservists in the militia and their theories are not well-equipped. The military sub-regions have adopted the principle of “three combinations” The study and understanding of the “three represents” means that there should be a combination of practice training and individual self-study, a combination of centralized training and sending students to study in schools, and a combination of leadership and consultation with individual exchanges. Each year, the department organizes intensive training for cadres under the camp in the district, mainly training the staff members in the new “six sessions”, high-tech knowledge, militia reserve business, official documents writing and Party branch construction. The training rate reaches 95%
成都军区某预备役军官训练团始终围绕培训合格预任军官这个中心工作不动摇,着重抓好教员队伍人才建设,几年来,吕色地完成了全区预任军官集训任务。 建团之初,团党委把加强教
重庆市秀山县中和镇武装部紧密结合自身实际,积极动员和组织民兵预备役人员投身西部大开发主战场,开展了以双拥共建、工程建设、护路执勤为主要内容的参建参治活动。 The a
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1  真的不愿意再去回望那个灰蒙蒙的早晨——  北平街头  一拨拨穿长衫的中国男人  被逼近小胡同的尽头  八国联军的枪口发出嘲笑  “东亚病夫,快去见上帝吧!”  此时的郊外村口  众多妇女的衣裙被刺刀挑破  受尽凌辱后  一个个裹着小脚的中国女人  毅然集体上吊  身后是一串满足快感后的兽性欢呼  圆明园,还来不及接受万园之园的庆贺  一把火烧完留下了千年哀叹——  中国,八国洗劫岗楼林立满目
与以前仅仅推崇黄光裕的天纵英才,或者是国美的“商业模式”的成功不同,张小平将眼光投向了更遥远的天空,将个人命运置于激荡的社会变迁之中。  在某种意义上说,黄光裕乃至国美的成功,是拜家电行业轰轰烈烈的普世运动所赐。当年国美确立“薄利多销”的策略,以及其以连锁模式实现规模扩张,都促使家电从贵胄来到民间,国美与家电制造商一起,造就了一个宏大的家电普世运动。在这种意义上说,国美的崛起,不仅是凭借黄光裕的商
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