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2007,医药企业发展为主古之所谓良医,盖以其意量而得其节,是知疗病者皆意出当时,不可以旧方医疗“医者意也,善于用意,即为良医。”“病家不必开口,便知病源何在。说得对,吃我的药;说得不对,分文不取!”此乃舞台上医家亮相时常用的开场白,也可说是“神医”展示技艺、获取患者信任的看家本领。未来医药行业将呈现怎样的发展趋势?2006年年初,国务院出台有关办法,明确指出大力发展社区医院是解决医疗资源分配不均、缓解百姓“看病难、看病贵利医患关系紧张”的重要举措和方向。上半年以来,国家发改委、财政部、卫生部、劳动保障部、中医药局等部门先后制订了9个配套文件,进一步细化有关政策措施,为加快推进城市社区卫生服务工作提供了有力的制度保障。对于老百姓来说,2006年药品风波,让整个社会上下一片恐慌。“齐二药”、“石四药”、“欣弗”等假药、劣药在曝光后,一时间人们谈药色变,吃进嘴里前要想一想药有没有问题,治疗前要看一看医疗器械是否正宗。这个时候,而对假劣药品和医疗器械的群魔乱舞以及制假售假者的明知故犯,最直接有效的应对措施就是药品监管部门的打击。对于医药企业来说,他们更关注的是药品的不断降价,各种降价形式不断涌现,政府降价、平价药房等。在行业竞争秩序还不规范的环境下,一些企业很快崛起也可能迅速倒下,只有在政策性的积极正确引导下不断强调拥有“品牌、技术、资源、管理、规模”的制药企业才可能是行业政策性洗牌的最后赢家。2007年医药行业整体面临的足发展、机遇和挑战并重的一年。 In 2007, the development of pharmaceutical enterprises was mainly the so-called good medicine. It was because of its intention. It was a time when people who knew and treated the disease thought that at the time, they could not use old medical care. “The intention of the doctor is also good at using intentions. “”The sick family did not need to speak, but they knew what was the source of the disease. Rightly, eat my medicine; not right, not to take!“ ”This is the opening phrase often used by the doctors on the stage. It can also be said to be “ Divine Medical Doctor’s skill in displaying skills and gaining the trust of patients. What kind of development trend will the pharmaceutical industry present in the future? At the beginning of 2006, the State Council promulgated related measures, clearly stating that the development of community hospitals is to solve the problem of unequal distribution of medical resources, to ease the people’s ”difficulties in seeing a doctor, and to make doctors and nurses suffer from severe medical problems." Important initiatives and directions. Since the first half of the year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine have successively formulated 9 supporting documents to further refine the relevant policies and measures, providing a powerful system for accelerating the promotion of urban community health services. Protection. For the common people, the turmoil in medicine in 2006 made the entire community panicking. “Qi two drugs”, “Shishi medicine”, “Xinfu” and other counterfeit medicines and inferior medicines were exposed. For a time, people talked about the discoloration of drugs, and they had to think about drugs before eating them in their mouths. There is no problem. Before treatment, it is necessary to see if the medical device is authentic. At this time, the most direct and effective countermeasures for counterfeiting of fake drugs and medical devices, and the suspicion of counterfeiting and counterfeiters were the blows by the drug regulatory authorities. For pharmaceutical companies, they are more concerned about the constant price cuts for drugs, various forms of price cuts, government price cuts, and cheap pharmacies. In the environment where the industry’s competitive order is still not standard, some companies will soon rise and may fall quickly. Only under the positive and correct guidance of policy, pharmaceutical companies with “brand, technology, resources, management, and scale” will continue to be emphasized. It may be the final winner of the industry policy reshuffle. In 2007, the pharmaceutical industry as a whole faced full development, opportunities and challenges.
谁曾想到,600多年前,一支远航的船队,造就了中国家具历史中500年的盛世,也改变了中国人的日常生活。如今,历史再度回潮。站在世纪路口的人们,应该如何面对? Who would have
强大的公司敢于直面错误,也善于处理危机《福布斯》网站公布了IT史上著名的道歉事件,道歉已经成为科技企业危机公关的一种重要手段,往往可以产生不错的效果。 Strong compan