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辣椒疫病近年来在保护地栽培中发生严重,尤其是在连年以辣椒种植为主的地区发生较多,已经严重影响辣椒生产。为此。我们对其发生特点及其综合防治措施进行了探索。 1发病特点辣椒疫病苗期、成株期均可发生,茎、叶、果都可染病。苗期发病,茎基部呈暗绿色水浸状软腐或猝倒,又称苗期猝倒病。果实染病始于蒂部,初生暗绿色水浸状斑,迅速变褐软腐,湿度大时长出白色霉层,即病原菌孢囊梗及孢子囊,干燥后形成暗褐色僵果留在枝上。茎部染病,分权处变为黑褐色或黑色最常见,其中尤以茎基部为害最为严重,病斑初为水浸状,后出现环绕表皮扩展的褐色或黑色条斑,病部明显缢缩,造成地上部折倒。主要为害成株,植株急速凋萎,是一种毁灭性的病害。 In recent years, pepper blight occurs seriously in protected cultivation, especially in the area where peppers are mainly grown year after year, which has seriously affected the production of peppers. to this end. We explored its occurrence and its comprehensive prevention and control measures. 1 disease characteristics Pepper blight at seedling stage, adult stage can occur, stems, leaves, fruits can be infected. Seedling incidence, the base of the stem was dark green flooding soft rot or cataplexy, also known as seedling damping off disease. Drosophila fruit began in the Ministry of Pediatrics, newborn dark green flooding plaques, rapid brown soft rot, humidity when the white mold layer grow, that is, pathogen spores cysts and sporangia, dried to form dark brown stiff fruit to stay in the branches. Stem infection, decentralization into dark brown or black is the most common, especially in the most serious damage to the base of the stem, the lesion was initially flooded, after the expansion of the epidermis around the brown or black streaks, the Department significantly constricted , Causing the ground upside down. Mainly harmful plants, plants withered rapidly, is a devastating disease.
付立泉只是贵州大方县竹园乡歹鸡村返乡创业者中典型的一员,他用科学的养殖方法诠释出一条农村经济发展的致富路,也给返乡创业者树立了一个很好的榜样。 Fu Liquan is only