
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozhenying
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立夏已过,各地棉花业已陆续播种出苗,各地除趁普降春雨后领导群众突击种棉外(在雨小地干地区,应继续大力领导群众用一切抗旱播种办法,保证适时完成棉花播种计划),在棉花已播种地区,应将查苗、补苗、保苗作为棉花补种后的主要工作,必须认识:保全棉苗是保证完成棉花增产任和的重要环节。根据去年经验,我省因缺苗致废棉田约百分之七·五左右,影响减产很大,如果不能保全棉苗,就算完成了播种计划,也不能保证棉花增产任务,而且群众必将遭受减产损失,影响今后扩大植棉。因此,各级政府必须重视棉花播种后的查苗、补苗、保苗工作,预防在村干部中可能产生的认为棉花播种后就完成任务的松懈麻痺思想,大力领导群众开展棉花保苗运动,做到「种一亩花,保一亩苗」。为提高棉花每亩产量打下有利的基础。一、棉花播种后,应动员组织群众不断的普遍深入田间查苗,检查棉花实际播种面积,检查棉花播种日期和出苗情况,若遇棉花缺苗,应即动 After the establishment of the summer, cotton plants in various areas have been planted and sprouted one after another. In addition to taking the lead in the rains and razing cotton in all areas (in the small dry areas of rain, the masses should continue to vigorously lead the masses to use all kinds of drought-resisting sowing methods to ensure the timely completion of the cotton sowing plan) In the areas where cotton has been sown, it is important to check the seedlings, make up the seedlings and seedlings as the main work after cotton seed replanting. It must be recognized that the preservation of cotton seedlings is an important part of ensuring the completion of cotton production. According to last year’s experience, due to the lack of seedling waste cotton fields in our province about about 7.5 percent, the impact of a significant cut, if you can not keep cotton seedlings, even if the completion of the planting plan, it can not guarantee that cotton production tasks, and the masses will suffer Production loss, affecting the future expansion of cotton. Therefore, governments at all levels must pay attention to the investigation of seedlings, seedlings and seedlings after sowing of cotton so as to prevent any slackening and paralyzing thought that can be accomplished after the sowing of cotton is completed in the village cadres and vigorously lead the masses to carry out the cotton seedling conservation campaign so that “ A mu of flowers, Paul acre seedlings. ” To improve cotton yield per mu lay a favorable foundation. First, the cotton sowing, should mobilize the masses to continue the general in-depth investigation of the field, check the actual cotton sown area, check the cotton sowing date and emergence, in case of cotton seedlings, should move
双极膜(bipolar membrane,简称BPM)是一种由阳离子交换膜层、阴离子交换膜层及中间界面亲水层复合而成的新型离子交换膜。在BPM制备与应用深入研究的基础上,双极膜电渗析(BMED)