这是1930年2月12日红八军出版的一份《工农兵》报。整整50年过去了,纸张发黄了,第一版还被人用毛笔涂写过。然而,我们细读了那些简括鲜明、充满激情的文章和报道,当时红八军驰骋在左江根据地的雄姿和龙州地区的战斗风云仍跃然呈现在我们的面前。 1929年11月,党中央批准邓斌(邓小平)同志等,在左、右江地区创建中国工农红军第七军、第八军,并任命张云逸为红七军军长,俞作
This is a “worker-peasant soldier” newspaper published by the Red Army on February 12, 1930. A full 50 years later, yellow paper, the first edition has also been painted with a brush. However, we have read carefully those articles and reports that are vivid and full of passion. At that time, the majestic and martyrous positions that the Red Army drove in the Zuojiang base area and the fighting situation in the Longzhou area still vividly appeared before us. In November 1929, the Central Party Committee approved Comrade Deng Bin (Deng Xiaoping) and other comrades to set up the Seventh and Eighth Corps of China’s Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army in the left and the Youjiang areas and appointed Zhang Yunyi as the commander of the Hongqi Army. Yu Zuo