践行“三严三实”要求 开辟政协工作新境界

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“三严三实”要求是新形势下全面推进党的建设伟大工程的重要遵循,体现了党要管党、从严治党的基本要求,是世界观与方法论的有机统一、内在自律与外在约束的有机统一。作为一名政协人,要进一步加深严实履职、为民履职的思想自觉、政治自觉、行动自觉,以“三严三实”的精神提升履职实效、丰富履职成果,适应新常态、开辟新境界,充分发挥协商民主重要渠道和专门协商机构作用,在推动改革发展的全局中不断彰显政协作为。一、对党的事业要主动融入、维 The requirement of “three strictures and three truths” is an important follow-up to the great project of comprehensively promoting party building under the new situation. It embodies the basic requirement that the party control the party and strictly administer the party. It is the organic unity of the world outlook and methodology, the inherent self-discipline and Organic unity of external constraints. As a CPPCC member, we should further deepen the performance of our duties in a down-to-earth manner, consciously consciously carry out duties for the people, consciously act in politics, act consciously, enhance the performance of duties in the spirit of “Three Strictnesses and Realities”, enrich the performance of duties, and adapt to the new Normality and opening up new realms. We should give full play to the important channels of deliberative democracy and the role of a special consultative body, and continue to demonstrate the CPPCC’s role in pushing forward the overall reform and development. First, the party’s cause should take the initiative to integrate, peacekeeping
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编剧:叶 梅 导演:郑克洪摄影:鲍肖然美术:曹艮俊出品:北京男人河文化传播公司北京青年电影制片厂 7月18日本刊召开电影《男人河》观摩座谈会。与会的电影评论家一致肯定了导演不事
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