
来源 :中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjwjwwj
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随着肝癌二级预防研究的进展,早期病例检出率有了很大提高.然而小肝癌术后3年复发率为25.7%,5年复发率高达43.5%,肝癌组织中TCF-β1的表达增高.但TCF-β1与肝癌复发的关系尚未有报道 作者用免疫组化方法检测1992~1995年手术切除的52例小肝癌石蜡存档标本小肝癌中TGF-β2的免疫反应性并分析其与复发的关系.其中术后两年内复发者20例,无复发者32例.小肝癌指单个肿瘤直径小于等于5cm.均有明确的病理诊断,有门脉癌栓者17例,无门脉癌栓者35例,有肉眼或镜下TFPV者均判定为有门脉癌栓者,抗体为亲和层析纯兔抗人TG-β1多克隆抗体(其相关抗原源于用酸激活的完整的人TGF-β1肽链),使用 With the progress of secondary prevention of liver cancer, the detection rate of early stage cases has greatly improved. However, the recurrence rate of small hepatocellular carcinoma at the 3rd year is 25.7%, the recurrence rate at 5 years is as high as 43.5%, and the expression of TCF-β1 in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. However, the relationship between TCF-β1 and the recurrence of HCC has not been reported. The authors used immunohistochemistry to detect the immunoreactivity of TGF-β2 in small hepatocellular carcinoma from 52 cases of small hepatocellular carcinoma paraffin-embedded specimens from 1992 to 1995 and analyze its recurrence. The relationship between them. Among them, 20 cases relapse within 2 years after operation, 32 cases without recurrence. Small hepatocellular carcinoma means the diameter of individual tumor is less than or equal to 5cm. There are definite pathological diagnosis, there are 17 cases of portal vein tumor thrombus, no portal vein tumor thrombus. Among 35 patients, those with macroscopic or microscopic TFPV were all judged to have portal vein cancer thrombus. The antibody was an affinity chromatography-purified rabbit anti-human TG-β1 polyclonal antibody (the relevant antigen was derived from an acid-activated intact human). TGF-β1 peptide chain, use
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